Why the Yankees Suck

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Suzie Waldman emcees an Irish wake for Mussina

Did anyone catch Suzyn Waldman's WCBS 880 radio interview with Mike Mussina prior to this afternoon's game against the Red Sox?
He sounded extremely depressed. No surprise there, after losing his spot in the Yankees' starting rotation.
Waldman, in a rare, no-doubt-accidental departure from complete Yankee ass-kissing, asked him what he thought of the irony that Ian Kennedy, the Minor League phenom called up to take his starting job, has been described as a "Mike Mussina clone."
Mussina bristled, and said something to the effect of, "we won't talk about that until they ask me to clean out my locker and he takes my jersey."
Waldman signed off for the commercial break in hushed tones, like she was broadcasting from the scene of a funeral.
I guess, in a sense, it was.

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