A-Rod gives Yankees the finger

He had 10 days until the end of the World Series to make a decision ... and made his announcement as soon as he possibly could, saying, in effect, that he couldn't wait to be out of pinstripes.
It's no surprise, considering the way fans in New York treated A-Rod, and the way his own manager embarrassed the greatest player in the sport last year by dropping him to eighth in the lineup.
So it's clear now, if it wasn't already, that A-Rod was playing this year not to help his team, necessarily, but to put up as strong a set of personal numbers as possible so that he could then thumb his nose at New York and its fans as well as get as much money as possible somewhere else.
Labels: Alex Rodriguez
Curious, Matt. Would you, speaking for the entire Red Sox Nation, want A-Rod at third, or short, for the Sox in 2008?
Actually, I LOATHE A-Rod. Would never want to see him wear a Red Sox uniform. No matter what kind of numbers he puts up. And he's definitely not the guy I'd want batting down a run or two in the bottom of the ninth inning with 2 outs of some important playoff game.
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