New section of trail opened

News Intern Ben Dalton covered a dedication of the Schuylkill River Trail's new section in Birdsboro on Friday, July 25. The section was incomplete from Reading to Pottstown before the addition.
I haven't been to the section of the trail yet, but I invite you to check it out. There's not a whole lot to do in Birdsboro (and correct me if you think I'm wrong) so the opening of the trail is definitely beneficial to the area.
Also check out other recreation areas in Berks County: Antietam Lake (Mt. Penn area), Monocacy Hill in Amity Township and the Union Township Recreation Area off of Route 724. I've been to both Monocacy Hill and the Union Township Park and they are great for people who enjoy hiking or just being outdoors.
If you like hiking and history, also check out Valley Forge Park. I went there a few months ago and had a great time. My boyfriend and I looked at the war memorial there. I want to go back and take my camera next time.
For more information, check out these web sites:
Schuylkill River Heritage Area:
Antietam Lake:
Monocacy Hill:
Union Township:
Valley Forge:
Labels: antietam lake, Ben Dalton, schuylkill river trail, trails, union township, valley forge
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