Boone Area Library needs community's help

The Boone Area Library will close this fall if it doesn't receive enough funds through the Annual Giving program. The staff has mailed out fliers asking for residents' support.
The library is such a valuable place in the Birdsboro community. It will be a shame if people don't reach out and help the library.
Boone Area Library has been around since the 1960s and offers many services.
The staff is now conducting the summer reading program for people to "catch the summer reading bug." There will be many programs offer that teach children and teens about bugs.
Library Director Michelle Kehoe said that she organized the program with Terri Kullman, children’s coordinator.
“This is a fun way to get kids to read and learn about bugs,” Kehoe said.
The program includes bug-themed games. movies and crafts. Children, teens and adults can read for prizes.
Children’s activities
Programs will be presented at 6 p.m. on Tuesdays. Each program will include stories, speakers and crafts.
June 17-Boone Bug Club-activities and crafts about bugs
June 24-Buggy Book Bingo-play for books and prizes
July 8-Family Movie and Dinner Night-Disney’s “A Bug’s Life”-free popcorn. Bring a comfy chair and dinner or purchase pizza and soda from the Junior Friends.
July 15-Insect Safari-Meet library staff members at French Creek State Park amphitheater to hear stories and look for bugs.
July 22-Miss Maggie Sings-Come to the library for buggy songs and dancing.
July 29-Bug Scavenger Hunt-Come search the library for things that wiggle and buzz.
August 5-Family Movie and Dinner Night- Bee movie-free popcorn. Bring a comfy chair and dinner or purchase pizza and soda from the Junior Friends.
August 12-Bug Party-Hang out at the library for games, crafts and snacks.
Teen programs
Programs start at 6 p.m.
June 19-Big Bug Movie Night-Come watch an old bug film from the 1950s. Popcorn, snacks and soda will be provided. The first 25 teens that arrive will receive a prize.
July 10-Wii Event. Play the latest games and compete for prizes.
July 24-Are You Brave?-Come to the library for some bug snacks.
August 7-Teen Movie and Dinner Night-Bring a comfy chair and enjoy the show. Popcorn, pizza and soda will be provided.
Preschool story times at library
10:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 6 p.m.
June 16, 23, 30; July 7, 14, 21, 28; August 4, 11
Preschool story time at Amity Community Park at 10 a.m.
June 13, 20, 27; July 11, 18; August 1, 8
Toddler story time at library, 11 a.m.
June 18, 25; July 2, 9, 16, 23
Labels: birdsboro, boone area library, bugs, library