Monday, November 10, 2008

Harry Walker on the 2009 Proposed Budget

Click on the link below to read the remarks City Manager Harry Walker delivered to city council on Monday, Nov. 10, regarding the 2009 proposed budget.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, he manages to come up with a new line of s--- every year. He has no idea what he is talking about, nor does anyone he has hired. Nice job Schenk, you idiot!

November 11, 2008 9:24 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have completely stopped talking about THIS year's budget and the BIG shortfall it is going to have. How are they going to fill that gap?? And now next years budget is based on "what if and when" scenarios of money coming in. It really does not look good.

November 11, 2008 4:30 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are elections, and how many council members can be elected? Is anyone with an education thinking about stepping up to the plate?

November 15, 2008 1:38 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...


November 16, 2008 5:38 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Block of Four" are all up for re-election next year. Johnson,Ray,Schenk and Scott. We need to start working on their replacements now. Let everybody know we need a "CHANGE".

November 17, 2008 5:35 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an idea for the new budget.
Include the trash fee in with the property tax. This would promote owner occupancy for two reasons. Owners can deduct all taxes on their federal taxes, but trash fees are not an allowable deduction. It would make it more difficult for landlords to push this expense off on renters.
Coatesville has a high renters rate, maybe the highest in Chester County.
It has been shown that owner occupied homes are better maintained and create a larger tax base than tennants.
Let's move Coatesville forward.

November 17, 2008 9:01 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LISTEN UP Coatesville. A part of the Route 30 bypass is in the Coatesville city limits. Initiate a potable weigh station in the police department and make a ton of money in fines!!!!!!!!!! Use your heads!

November 17, 2008 9:50 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The poor we will always have amongst us Mr. Walker, especially if you continue to set the bar so low! Stop acting like you don't know what you're doing and strive for more - actually, strive for anything and please get SOMETHING done. How long have you been in your position? And our City Council - hah! - have any of you gone to college and/or possess a working knowledge of finance and planning? Perhaps this is why we keep spinning our wheels and Coatesville remains a dangerous, unappealing dump!

November 28, 2008 7:22 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The primary election is sometime in May of 2009, however, the candidates need to file their petition sometime in mid February to get on the ballot. That petition is gotten from Voters Service Department in West Chester. They will need to get about 20 signers from their ward to quantify. From there they will need help and support to make and distribute their political propaganda. That's where the political heavy hitters come in. Remeber years past when they rained down on the city with color newspapers that told it all. Good luck.

December 6, 2008 4:31 PM 

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