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Monday, March 24, 2008

St. John Chrysostom Youth Group helps hungry

When Easter approaches at St. John Chrysostom Parish in Wallingford, members of the high school youth group know it’s time to go hungry.
Again this year, Operation Growl brought members of the youth group together for a 24-hour fast – all part of an effort to raise the students’ awareness of the plight of the hungry, and to raise money for local food programs.
And how do they pass the time? This year, the students spent Saturday, March 15, helping the Delaware County Literacy Council. The students packed books from DCLC’s Lansdowne office for shipping to DCLC’s main office in Chester. The group spent five hours packing boxes and shredding files. By the end of the day, they had filled 25 boxes with books and many trash bags of shredded paper.
Students who participated in the project were: Jenna Bates, Kelly Carey, Alex Cocco, Samantha Daley, Katie Endres, Matt Lucci, Richard Scott, Susan Seitz, Clare Sherry, Stephanie Smedile, Molly Tareila, Joyce Theur, Grace Theur and Natalie White. They were chaperoned by Joe Lucci, Karen Theur and Father Jim Bajorek.
In addition to their volunteer work, the students asked parishioners at St. John’s to sponsor their participation in the program. Their goal was to raise $9,000.


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