Saturday, December 13, 2008

The King Kong of Bailouts

It was beauty killed the beast and it was the UAW that killed the bailout.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a bunch of stinkin' lies.
The $73 per hour figure is total b*llsh*t.
The current workers aren't making anywhere near that much. The $73 includes total pensions and benefits being paid to retired workers, but divided by the number of current workers to jack up the number.

The southern GOP is no stranger to union busting. The southern states are also home to the auto plants of Detroit's competitors. Smells like foreign car companies buying off "patriotic" GOP congressmen.

December 13, 2008 10:23 PM 
Blogger Spencerblog said...

Why would foreign car companies in the south want to see their competition made more competitive?

While it is true the $73 per hour figure includes benefits being paid to retired workers, its still a real cost to the companies and makes it impossible for them to be profitable.

Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi are calling Republicans "unpatriotic" for not supporting the bailout package the UAW wanted.

Does that mean the 61 percent of the American people who don't support any bailout of GM are "unpatriotic" too?

Nice try.

December 13, 2008 11:20 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It means that the people not supporting the bailout:

1) don't trust the Bush admin to oversee it (see Paulson's latest performance
2) don't trust the auto execs with their corporate jets
3) don't realize the anti-labor agenda being pushed by the GOP
4) the foreign car companies want to crush Detroit and are pushing their GOP reps with anti-labor deal killers

Wake up and smell the corruption and economic collapse.

December 14, 2008 8:19 AM 
Anonymous r said...

Despite the shrill dishonest attempts to spin this into something else, there is no question that greedy Big Labor unions killed the U.S. auto industry just as Liberalism killed the mortgage with their subprime BS.

And note their angry/envy childish mentality that they're still weeping about corporate jets. Lol... That class envy is a bitch.

December 15, 2008 10:32 AM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

Let's respond to the flamboyant one:

1) don't trust the Bush admin to oversee it (see Paulson's latest performance
-Maybe don't trust that the funds lent will go to the proper uses - or maybe don't trust that anything in their business models will change to enhance profitability - why give some sort of float loan if there's still a chance they go down?
2) don't trust the auto execs with their corporate jets
Yeah. I agree
3) don't realize the anti-labor agenda being pushed by the GOP
-Anti-Labor? Or Anti-greed? The UAW has made business unbearable for the Big 3. Should they price the cars to be that much more expensive so they can reap a salvageable profit margain? Who the hell would buy? And why aren't competitors suffering the same consequences???
4) the foreign car companies want to crush Detroit and are pushing their GOP reps with anti-labor deal killers
-Foreign car companies can lean back and enjoy the show - they've got an easier ride here.

December 16, 2008 9:53 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And why aren't competitors suffering the same consequences?"

Better products that are more suited to the marketplace. Detroit executives failed to plan out their production lines and fought fuel efficiency improvements. The union workers didn't pick which cars to build (or get to ride in the corporate jets).

December 16, 2008 12:37 PM 
Anonymous a DDD alias said...

Those darn jets! WAAAAAH!!!!....

December 16, 2008 1:13 PM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

"And why aren't competitors suffering the same consequences?"

Better products that are more suited to the marketplace. Detroit executives failed to plan out their production lines and fought fuel efficiency improvements. The union workers didn't pick which cars to build (or get to ride in the corporate jets).

Still doesn't explain why competitors don't have union issues. I'll wait...

December 17, 2008 3:31 PM 

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