Monday, July 27, 2009

The President's 'Sore Throat'

Almost lost in the dumb things President Obama said during his press conference last week was his assertion that the current healthcare system encourages doctors to look at a kid with recurring sore throats and decide to take out his tonsils because there's more money in it for them.

His comments that the Cambridge police "acted stupidly" in arresting his friend Skip Gates, he has since walked back from. So far, he has not walked back from suggesting America's doctors are greedy enough to take out a kids tonsils just because it helps their bottom line, which by the way, it doesn't.

A primary doctor, in this case a pediatrician, who sees a patient is given no incentive by the current system to send a child to an eyes ears nose and throat specialist for an operation the kid doesn't need. Some doctors are taking offense at the President's remark. The White House is going to have to stock up on Budweiser if Mr. Obama keeps sticking his foot in his mouth.


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