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Monday, September 21, 2009

Rise and Shine --- Now is the time

Good Morning and welcome to a new week!

It's amazing how different things are as the seasons change.
After the doldrums and greyness of winter, we love to see the first flowers bloom in the spring. Then comes summer, hot (although not so much this year) and free. There's no school. Maybe there's a vacation. It's easy to float along.
Then comes the fall. We have the intensity of school-day mornings, then work, then running around to the schools, making dinner and it's already time to reset.
Still, there's something about fall weather that can make it all seem OK.
Case in point, this weekend. It was beautiful out each day. Be it a walk around the park, letting the breeze blow in the windows or just goofing around, it was all about renewal.
Yeah, I know fall doesn't offically start until today, but it sure has seemed like it over the past few weeks. We are starting to see pumpkins and fall flowers. We are taking the light jackets out of the closet. We are eating apples.
Sure, it's still pretty intense. All that running around is there each day, but it is nice to take a break once in a while...


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