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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Another day, another list of V.P. possibilities for Barack Obama and John McCain.

A guy can't even troll the Internet for a rare song by my No. 1 guilty-pleasure band America (I need something written by Jimmy Webb from the soundtrack from "The Last Unicorn," in case you want to help quell this while-Sofia-naps-emergency) without getting smacked in the face with speculation.

I suppose it is righteous pontification. After all, the window dressing placed at the bottom of either ticket may be what ultimately decides this thing.

Ever since Hillary Clinton got the last laugh by painting Obama into a corner by stating she would be willing to be his second banana -- and make history for women the world-over in the process -- we've all be watching him deal with the ace-less hand she dealt him.

It certainly is a quandary.

She would bring a lot of her supporters -- women, hard-hats, racists, senior citizens and combinations of each -- to the cause. I've seen polls showing 15 to 25 percent of her supporters saying they are going to go another way and vote against their own self-interests out of spite. Another 10 to 15 percent say they just aren't going to vote at all (and you know the number is more, because no one wants to admit apathy to a pollster).

That doesn't bode well for Obama, who faces similar backlash from his own base -- blacks, yuppies, college kids, sexists and combinations of each -- if he goes with a woman who they think deployed dirty tricks that had their media-endorsed candidate limping across the finish line with Hillary on his heels.

Those of the misguided belief that Republicans and centrists are going to come Obama's way on the day of reckoning point to her polarizing effect.

Moreover, it has been stated that picking a Clinton flies in the face of the message of "change."

In response, Obama laughably tabbed a member of another Democratic Royal Family -- Caroline Kennedy -- to help pick his vice-presidential candidate.

His able-minded controllers of spin bounced back by floating a story that he is considering retired army types.

Meanwhile, yawn, McCain's list has about 999 boring white men and one Native American that would kill the "Obama is too inexperienced" argument.

And Hillary, she stays in hiding.

She may not want the job anyway.

That's where I come in.

Would I not be the ideal running mate for Obama? I'm from Pennsylvania and, as a Hillary supporter, I could bring some of the base with me.

I admit Pa. Gov. Ed Rendell has slightly better name recognition, but he already stated -- during a recent visit to Ambler to tout his smoking ban -- that he isn't interested.

Good thing, because Obama ain't interested in him, either.

And it's for obvious reasons.

There is a list of quality senators -- with vastly more experience and voting records than Obama -- who hail from key states and could balance the ticket.

There is Carl Levin from Michigan, Charles Schumer from New York and Russ Feingold from Wisconsin.

There are two others who have the added advantage of being women -- Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, both of California.

And they have as much of a chance as I of getting the call.


Same reason why neither Joe Lieberman nor our own Arlen Specter would be tacked onto McCain's ticket.

We won't be chosen because we are ... chosen.

Do I have to spell it out for you? J-E-W.

The candidates all court the Jewish vote and seek handsome campaign checks, but not the possible backlash that Al Gore — albeit in a pre-Sept. 11 world — had the courage to endure.

The country was almost ready for a woman presidential candidate and, we can only hope, a biracial male president.

But it is not ready for one of us.

It probably hurt Gore in 2000 and no one is going to run the risk during a time when the country is at war with a bunch of Arab Muslims who think Jews use their own children's blood to make matzoh.

Maybe I'm being paranoid.

Maybe it's not so much anti-Semitism as it reality.

Then again, history shows the two to be one in the same.

In a way, despite my bitterness, I feel vindicated.

The guitar player in my band of yore was a black dude. We used to argue about which of our downtrodden peoples would get to the White House first. While he was convinced it would be a Jew because Jews have white skin, I was convinced it would be an African American because enough whites attached an aura of mystique to blacks that it would cancel out the rednecks in the red states.

He asked how it could happen and I painted a scenario much like the one that has unfolded with Obama. He scoffed. I now know that I saw the future.

Since Nostradamus was a from a Jewish family who converted to Catholicism for obvious reasons, maybe I have some of his blood in my veins.

Hey, a guy has to think of something while the baby sleeps ...


Anonymous Joe The Nerd said...

Wow, what a pigeonhole job you are!

No one can be for a candidate because they just like them, or what they stand for, or the content of their character.

We all have to be painted into the Glantz definition of a very small universe. You accuse the world of being against you because of how you worship God, but you have no trouble throwing verbal grenades against everybody else.

Hey, how about this? Rendell could have VP if he campaigns (quietly) for it, then we can talk about his tenure as DNC Chair and how he threw the towel in on Gore in 2000.

I don't think anyone would have a problem with the other Senators you mentioned, not because they are Jewish, but because they are qualified.

I think most Democrats can overlook the terrible mistake that is Joe Lieberman. Doesn't giving a guy the number 2 spot in the party mean anything for loyalty in the long term? A lot of us busted our hump for him and Gore, but he wants to go play with McCain - let him go.

Having Lieberman on the ticket didn't hurt Gore in 2000. Having Jeb Bush in Florida did.

Doesn't giving a Jew the number 2 spot mean anything to you as far as loyalty. Exactly how many Jews have been on the Republican Ticket? I'll give you 150 years to answer.

If giving the number 2 spot to one of your faith does nothing for you, then why bother? You'll be a problem child anyway.

(Answer, if they are qualified - it's ok, if they are not qualified it's not ok.)

The more you make an issue of being Jewish, the more it becomes an issue. If you haven't noticed, you are the same as the rest of us, albiet more ethnocentric. Stop seperating yourself and get with the program. This is the United States.

As far as Hillary, she got one half of one half of the vote. She peaked. With half the country Republican and with half the Democratic Party voting against her, that leaves her with a group of about .25 of the electorate (1/2 of 1/2 of the vote). The means roughly three quarters of the country doesn't want her.

Her carrying on about VP makes it real easy for Obama to say thanks, but no thanks, (if that is what he wants). Part of being a VP is not upstaging the boss. Does he really need the sequel to Weekend at Billary's? Sequels are rarely as good as the originals.

I hope Obama finds a General, or Senator, or Governor who is qualified to play second fiddle. I don't care what their DNA is or how they recognize and honor our Creator.

I've noticed the Democratic Royalty's Kennedy Wing has done a pretty good job over the last 50 years. We could do worse than having Caroline help with the selections.

Don’t be surprised if McCain goes for a woman.

June 17, 2008 3:25 PM 
Blogger tlees2 said...

1. "...blacks, yuppies, college kids, sexists and combinations of each"

Well, I'm not any of those and I'm part of Obama's base.

2. I'm fine with Clinton, Feingold, or Gore as VP.

3. Just as there is a lot of sexism and racism out there, there is also a lot of anti-Semitism.

4. Eyes on the Prize - McCain must be defeated.

June 17, 2008 5:03 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think you're missing his point. He's saying all these senators, who happen to be Jewish, are qualified and not one is ever mentioned as a possibility. That may be paranoia but maybe there is something to it. In America, we should all be able to hoist our kids on our shoulders when a candidate comes to town and tell the kid they can whatever they want to be. True, the Republicans lag behind in this goal. G2 says that. The Democrats need to lead by example. I also bet you my bottom dollar that Bill Richardson won't be considered either. A black and hispanic on the same ticket is too much for America to swallow. I think they'd take a black and Jew first and I agree with G2 about the odds of that happening.

June 18, 2008 7:50 AM 
Anonymous Another County Heard From said...

It's all about politics, not any great conspiracy to suppress anyone.

June 18, 2008 9:04 AM 
Anonymous Joe the Nerd said...

Anonymous #1

I disagree - Rendell has been mentioned as a possibility.

I would think in their home states each of these Democratic Senators has been mentioned as a real possibility.

Specter will never be mentioned because he is too out of step with mainstream R's.

We are at the point where each of us can hold up our child and say "Go Get 'em, you can do that too". It is where our society is going - and quickly.

But, if you keep labeling, you are putting the weight on the label that doesn't need to be there. If you want people to be blind to race, religion and gender, you can't keep bringing it up.

Bigots are bigots. They come from cloth that has no restrictions of race, religion, and gender. They look down upon people who are not of their own limited view.

I get a little tired of seeing it from all parts of the political spectrum. I am a little harder on those from my part of the spectrum, because I expect more from them.

If you want to exploit diffences, keep bringing them up. If you want to get along - bring up where we are the same.

For VP, we don't know who is being considered. It is looking like Obama will keep a lid on this one.

Is there a scorecard somewhere for different VP permutations on race, gender, and religion? If there aren't enough of one type or another someone will get their nose out of shape. I gotta tell ya that is a goofy way to pick anything.

June 18, 2008 7:31 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VP?? I can not believe Charles Schumer of NY would even enter into the conversation. He will always express his opinion after the fact and criticize any action taken with that nose up in the air attitude - sorry! Now Russ Feingold is a yes, Carl Levin, is also a yes and Bill Richardson is you bet your bottom dollar.

June 21, 2008 3:02 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillary lost.


June 26, 2008 10:30 AM 
Blogger Montco PA Dem said...

No, Hillary finished a strong second.

Now speaking of lost, have you seen how John McCain is looking these days?

June 26, 2008 10:54 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I have seen McCain and also his wife on the campaign trail. They truly look great. Are you looking at very old footage MontcoPADem??? Oh Yes, it is time to have your eyes and hearing checked before the fall campaign.

June 26, 2008 2:59 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do believe Hillary should dwarf her appearances on the campaign trail until the convention. She is so full of herself it is sickening and no matter how she tries she just isn't a Kennedy. Our family was pleased when Obama won the Primary and are awaiting the VP Scorecard, hopefully it will be Feingold or Richardson, the are top drawer candidates.

June 27, 2008 3:07 PM 
Blogger Bored said...

Another article on Bruce Springstein this week?! Dude, for 10 years I have been reading your articles and for 10 years you have been writing about this guy. Listen, we get it, okay. You like Bruce Springstein. We understand. You're like an obsessed tennager looking for attention. I realize coming up with new material every week is challenging. But maybe its time for you to move on. Your creativity went out the window 5 years ago. Next week's column? Me, the Eagles and my Dogs - And Springstein....

June 29, 2008 5:04 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only should Hillary dwarf her appearances, she should dwarf her appearance... something tells me she's been sympathy-binging during her two-week exile... did you see her in the blue pants suit next to Obama? He looked more svelte than she... In the blue suit, she resembles the girl from Willy Wonka who is turned into a blueberry. (Makes big, bloated face, before bursting into laughter).
Hey, what was that Brady Bunch episode about "the most popular girl in school"? Hillary sure learned a thing or two about popularity, and when you just don't have what you thought you had.


July 1, 2008 6:58 AM 
Anonymous Jen said...

Hey Bored - I'm bored with people who rip Gordon. I stopped even getting the Times Herald from Monday to Saturday. The only reason I pick it up on Sunday is him.
BTW: It's spelled "Springsteen" not "Springstein" or was that some sort of anti-semitic thing? If it was, not funny. Just sad. And BORING!

July 4, 2008 9:38 PM 
Anonymous Ross said...

Well ... while we're in the habit of correcting people, Gordon The Great said it has been 222 years since July 4, 1776. My calculator reads 232. Ooooops! Guess he won't be entering that one in a contest!

July 4, 2008 9:42 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great column today about that animal Lark Ramsey. May he fry in hell for all for his crimes; known and not known.

July 6, 2008 7:59 AM 
Anonymous Kute Ko-ed said...

I was disappointed to read Gordon's stance on the death penalty. I'd rather read about Springsteen, to be honest. Nobody dies in those columns.

July 7, 2008 1:52 PM 
Blogger Montco PA Dem said...

It appears that GG has abandoned the blogosphere. Over a month without posting.

Maybe it's just a summer vacation...

July 19, 2008 7:27 PM 

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