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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

State Trooper

Trooper-gate, Schmooper-gate.

It doesn't really matter all that much to me.

When it comes to Sarah Palin and her qualifications to theoretical be vice-president, there is enough there -- or not there -- to go on.

We need not dwell on some small-state political maneuvering.

The state trooper -- Palin's former brother-in-law (everyone is probably related up there) -- sounds like a tool. Id' use some other four-letter words, but we're trying to nice here

She sought to use her position to take care of her own. I'm not condoning it; just cutting to the core of a non-story that would not have even reached a newspaper or broadcast outside of Alaska if she were not laughably tabbed to be John McCain's running mate.

Trooper-gate, Schmooper-gate.

It doesn't really matter all that much to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here in the Tri-state area we have the same problem as Alaska. Small towns have one or two names in common. It's a good thing that most families do not intermarry any closer than their second cousins or we would have a bunch of kids running around saying "MoM" or "DaD" and every man or women would answer.

October 12, 2008 11:16 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but it does matter to me. She wants to nail Obama to the cross for an alleged association to a "terrorist" inciting the crowd to hatred and shouted threats to "kill him", etc., when her own morals are being exposed as not up to par. Questions about her taxes, questions about her kids getting travel expenses paid by the state, questions about her per diem when I read that she only lives a mile away from the capitol. Lies regarding her role with "foreign affairs" and meeting diplomats when she hasn't. Her exaggerations about her role with Russia, even a lie about seeing the country when she never went to the island where the CNN reporter went and exposed that malarkey, show what kind of person she really is. Hired a crony for the Agriculture Department based on the person liking cows, just like president-select shrub’s choice for FEMA whose experience was in horse judging, not disasters. So, YES, IT MATTERS TO ME. And, BTW, IT IS STILL “THE ECONOMY, STUPID”! Not the low down negative lies spewed by the “lipsticked pit bull” unleashed by mcsame, i.e., no business as usual as long as I win.

October 13, 2008 7:26 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sun Oct 12, 5:35 PM Pacific
Pathological Liar Watch, Continued
The McCain campaign responds to Tapper's post about Palin's lie regarding the Troopergate report. Their basic argument: the report cleared us because we disagree with its findings. Truly phenomenal.

Sun Oct 12, 4:34 PM Pacific
Pathological Liar Watch - Troopergate Edition
Sarah Palin, talking with Alaska media yesterday (via Jake Tapper):

Well, I'm very very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrongdoing, any hint of any kind of unethical activity there. Very pleased to be cleared of any of that.

Um, that's a total lie. The report says:

Finding Number One

For the reasons explained in section IV of this report, I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) provides

"The legislature reaffirms that each public offer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust."

Andrew Sullivan calls them the odd lies of Sarah Palin. Amen.

Well, well... some people are commenting on trooper-gate and the morals of this "candidate" for VP... I would never vote for someone like her or her running mate.

October 13, 2008 1:35 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scranton & Alaska...There will be a hot time in the coal town tonight! It is an event when the former first lady and her husband go back to the area she tried her best to forget - sorry spent some summers there - and is treated like she were royalty. I know just doing her duty for the Party. Now, Scranton is important to Mr. Biden because he truly is from Scranton. But give me a break when a small town is in need of help for decades and the government, both state and federal did NOTHING, now they are #1?? Well, the state of Alaska is feeling the same way - not too important, a hokey state with only oil,hunting and fishing going for them. Well, it is a beautiful state and the people are educated and well versed about the state of our union. Palin will make a great VP.

October 13, 2008 4:14 PM 
Anonymous JB said...

actually, here is where it matters: she is a liar.

you're right that the case is pretty insignificant in and of itself, but the facts are that she talks about fighting corruption and insider politics while doing the same things she condemns.

October 13, 2008 10:03 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more thing about liars and inciting riots... The one and only executive editor of the Times Herald, Stan Huskey, showed his real self yesterday with his "pull the trigger" column. Got right into the spirit of the negative campaign by paylin. Guess he wants to hunt with her too. Of all the idiotic things to say when people are saying enough to the violence, he picks a so-called "little league" term that I have never heard before and uses it to say if mcsame won't pull the trigger, he wants others to do it. First of all, he should have been a responsible adult and told the kid that that wasn't a nice thing to say, instead of using it to say pull the trigger for mcsame and against Obama! Tacky, inappropriate and sick. Was he the one shouting "kill him" when paylin spewed her lies? Probably so.

And, BTW, paylin is only qualified as one person put it to be on an airplane bringing me a bag of chips.

October 14, 2008 7:53 AM 
Blogger tlees2 said...

This use of power to fight personal battles is abuse of power. It's one more reason to vote against her.

October 14, 2008 3:52 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous -- You are going down a very shallow path when calling any person a "liar". We are not too far removed from the "Blue Dress" hearings. Standy by my man no matter what was said also is consider untruthful by not answering questions given. Most Dems. should consider Anger Management Courses if a walk does not clear their brain so that they can clearly think a problem through. A good article by Stan gave a laugh to members in our Breakfast Group... Pull the Trigger is a great expression, most people on both the Dem. & Rep. side understand clear humor...sorry you do not. Go for a walk!!

October 15, 2008 8:52 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That "pull the trigger" column was totally ignorant and irresponsible. If Stan was a level-headed adult, he would have done the right thing and told the boy that that was the wrong thing to say. But, NO, not Stan, who has apparently bought into the moose-huntress' lies and know is pulling the trigger for mcsame and against Obama. And, by the 9:14 a.m. 10/15/08 post, he's gotten his klan to join up with this rhetoric. That was the most offensive column I have ever read and Stan might as well be standing on the steps of the school with a Wallace effigy. In these times of gun violence, it is the utter stupidity to write a column like that, which is just what that moose-patty liar wants. "Kill him" was shouted at one of her rallies. Was it you Stan? 101508 12:54 p.m. 0020

Just in case Stan censors this one, too.

And to the 8:52 a.m. 10/15/08 poster, this is not humor. Just like the noose incident in Philadelphia, where the construction guy said he was only kidding. I guess you, in your sick mind, would think the same, but it is a terroristic threat and discrimination. So, you need to take a walk back to your kluless klucking klan cave.

October 15, 2008 10:01 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Body language experts had this to say about this right-wing lunatic:

In our work we call body language the Five Flags, because there are five major ways human beings react when they're not speaking the authentic truth. Twitches and jaw-clenches are examples of Flag #1, Body-Flags. To understand Sarah Palin, though, you need to understand Flags #2 and #3, Voice-Flags and Attitude-Flags. The English word 'personality' comes from two Latin words, per and sona, "through sound." The Romans knew that the personality comes through in the tone of voice and other vocal aspects.

From thirty-five years of clinical experience, we can tell you a lot about Sarah Palin's real personality and why it makes many people even more nervous that John McCain's.

Attitude-Flag #1: The Aggressive Confidence Of The Con-Person

Sarah Palin has mastered one fundamental requirement of a Republican president: she can smile and look you directly in the eye while telling an outrageous lie. At least when John McCain lies, his body screams his discomfort by putting on an eye-catching display of twitches, phony smiles and robot moves. McCain's body language is so strange that it's easily observable; he appears to be operated by a puppeteer who is a couple of triple-espressos over the line. That's a good thing, though. We'd much rather have a presidential candidate who reads like a comic book when he's lying than one who conceals those whoppers under a grin and a wink. Sarah Palin belts out her deceptions and distractions with a radiant confidence we usually only see in sociopaths and infomercial pitch-persons. The last public figure we saw who could grin and lie with that kind of sunny confidence was O. J. Simpson.

Voice-Flag #1: The Exaggerated Folksiness Of The Huckster

Our partisan colors may peek through subtly from time to time, but we do our best to be non-partisan lie-catchers. We cringed when Bill Clinton did his famous "I did not have sex..." line. We immediately looked at each other and said "uh-oh," because his body language let us know loud and clear that he did indeed have sex with "that woman." About ten minutes after Clinton's declaration, our phone started ringing from producers of talk shows wanting us to comment on Clinton's body language. They knew they'd seen something, but they couldn't figure out exactly what.

More recently, we cringed when we heard Sarah Palin start using more of those pseudo-folksy expressions such as "You betcha" and "doggone-it." She was droppin' so many g's on-stage at last week's debate that the janitorial staff may have had to work over-time pickin' 'em up, by gum. The last eight years have taught us all a sobering lesson: you don't have to be smart to be the President of the United States. However, we hope that America is smart enough to see Palin's exaggerated folksiness for what it is, a cheap trick to cozy up to us so they can sell us four more years of Bush Lite. We hope America will hear those "You betchas" and send Mc Cain/Palin a message right back: Just because you pretend to be dumb and folksy, you don't automatically get to live in the White House.

Voice-Flag #2: The Metallic Shriek Of The Fear-Monger

To emphasize certain points, Sarah Palin takes her voice up the tone scale to a metallic shriek. This tone will be familiar to many of us: it's the voice your mother employed as a last resort to get you out of bed when you were a teenager. It's designed to scare you, to rake fingernails across your inner chalkboard. She often uses this voice when she first takes the stage at a rally. It works quite well there, because it cuts like a knife and jolts any of the faithful who might be dozing to sit up in their seats. We hope Americans are not so sleepy as to vote in favor of hearing this tone of voice for four years.

Here's the bottom line: The McCain/Palin campaign strategy is based entirely on stirring up fear. It's a classic way to distract people from thinking about real issues and to cover up the lack of any real solutions. Their thinking goes like this:

•If we can get people scared that Obama might secretly be a Muslim or a terrorist, maybe we can get them not to think about the real issues.

•If we can get people scared that Rev. Wright might turn the inaugural benediction into an anti-American rant, maybe we can get them to believe America's economic problems are just something cooked up by the elite media as a way to play "Gotcha" on poor Sarah and John.

•If we can scare people into thinking Barack HUSSEIN Obama is going to put Louis Farrakhan in charge of the annual White House Easter egg hunt, maybe people won't notice that we have absolutely no solutions to the real problems they face.

Barack Obama has so far opted to run a positive campaign based on hope and thoughtful solutions. It's our fervent desire that he continue to do so, because it's about time we turned our national attention to positive possibilities. Over the past eight years we've had enough fear-mongering to last a lifetime.

October 15, 2008 10:04 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cindy mcsame isn't doing so well with her distortions either...

At a rally in Bethlehem, Pa. last week, Cindy McCain spoke about having two sons serving on active duty: "I'm proud of my sons, but let me tell you, the day that Senator Obama cast a vote not to fund my son when he was serving sent a cold chill through my body. I would suggest that Senator Obama change shoes with me for just one day, and see what it means."

Never mind how many drinks are needed to erase the mental image of Barack Obama wearing Cindy McCain's stiletto heels. The fact is -- many military spouses support Obama-Biden, and they were deeply offended by Mrs. McCain's outburst.

Let's fact-check her remark, shall we?

Cindy McCain was referring to a single 2007 Senate vote: Obama voted for a war-spending bill that included language calling for withdrawing troops from Iraq; but later he voted against a version of the same bill because it no longer included the withdrawal language. "We must fund our troops, but we owe them something more," Obama said at the time. "We owe them a clear, prudent plan to relieve them of the burden of policing someone else's civil war."

In other words, Sen. Obama wanted to fund the troops, he just didn't support the flawed military strategy this particular bill would enable. (Previously, Obama had voted YES on at least 10 other war funding bills. For a lengthy list of John McCain's NO votes on military funding, click here.)

"It ruffles our feathers when someone claims that Barack Obama doesn't support the troops, because the Obamas have gone out of their way to understand the military, its families, and its veterans," Stephanie Himel-Nelson, deputy director of outreach for Blue Star Families for Obama, told OffTheBus. "In fact, Michelle Obama has adopted military families as one of her causes."

Would Cindy McCain "Change Shoes" With These Military Wives?

"When millionaires such as Cindy McCain act as if they understand our lives, and the lives of everyday military families and veterans, we get upset," said Himel-Nelson.

Today the number of service men and women forced to deploy over and over again is unprecedented. Loneliness is leading to frayed marriages. Toddlers are just getting to know their parents when -- poof! -- mommy and daddy disappear to serve overseas again. Career paths are falling off track. Household budgets are in disarray.

Imagine what parenting must be like when one spouse keeps bouncing in and out of the picture. "It's a delicate dance," Heidi Goeman, Beaufort, SC told OffTheBus. "Kids change, rules change, and perspectives change while my husband is away. When he returns home, the lay of the land isn't the same." Goeman and her husband have endured four deployments together.

Many children are too young to articulate their response to repeated separations. "Our seven-year-old thought he was at fault for his dad's going away, despite our best efforts to prepare him," said Goeman.

Deployments Are Lasting Longer, Coming Closer Together

Casey Spurr's husband has been deployed three times. "Mostly I find myself saying 'I wish your daddy was here' when I really, really need to take a break, or when our son lets out a big belly laugh -- he has the best laugh," said the Virginia Beach, Va. resident. Spurr told OffTheBus, "Obama proposes a Military Family Advisory Board, which I think is long overdue."

The number of Navy and Air Force vets re-deployed to fill gaps in Army units on a one-off basis -- with just a few weeks of combat training -- continues to grow. "The Navy is providing manpower because the Army doesn't have enough troop strength for our front lines," said Vivian Walker, a Navy veteran and military spouse who is using her GI Bill benefits to earn a Ph.D. in public administration and urban policy.

Walker confesses she forgot her wedding anniversary amid the chaos of managing work and family by herself. "A big paper was due, I was trying to find a Halloween costume for our four-year old, my mother was visiting...the list goes on, but I'm not complaining. The only time I get upset is when I feel I have to defend my patriotism if I vote for Obama. I live this war daily. My support for the troops is all-consuming."

Maria Arwitz's husband is a Navy dentist who was onboard the USS Comstock when it delivered a marine corps unit to Afghanistan in 2002. Three years later he was sent to Iceland for 11 months, something that "probably would not have happened if Navy Medicine wasn't stretched so thin," Arwitz told OffTheBus. "He left right after one of our 10-month-old twins underwent heart surgery. It taught me a lot about how strong a military mom has to be with no family around."

Arwitz likes that Obama believes all Americans are entitled to quality health care. "The conditions at Walter Reed Hospital really infuriate me. I feel connected to these troops when they return home -- I shop with their wives at the commissary, my kids play with their kids on the playground. You wouldn't believe what some families are going through," said the Beaufort, SC resident.

The Rub: A Lack Of Honesty From The Bush Administration

Obviously there is a need for some level of military secrecy. But to what degree should families allow themselves to be kept in the dark?

"We want to know that the sacrifices we make are for a reason. That when our family members are in harm's way, they are protected as much as possible. That the leaders who deploy them will bring them home as soon as possible," said Bella Harris, Chesapeake, Va. She is married to a nuclear power officer on board the USS George Washington, an aircraft carrier based in Japan. Harris told OffTheBus she admires McCain, but is voting for Obama because "he has a better plan for health care reform, and a more experienced running mate."

Kathy Roth-Douquet, Beaufort, S.C. has lived in six places on three continents since she married a marine corps officer 11 years ago. "Our fourth-grader has attended six schools because of all the moves, but it's a source of pride that we were asked to do something difficult and found the resources to do it," she told OffTheBus. Roth-Douquet is the author of AWOL, a book about the unexcused absence of America's upper classes from military service and how it hurts the country. Recently she co-produced a video featuring military wives for Obama, after co-founding (with Laura Dempsey) a grassroots organization of military families called Blue Star Families for Obama.

All of these women respect McCain for his Vietnam-era service, but they believe Obama has the temperament to safely lead the United States out of the quagmire in the Middle East. "One doesn't have to join the military to serve their country -- nor does serving in the military necessarily qualify one to be president," said Walker. They trust Obama to use diplomacy, not just military might.

For The Record, Mrs. McCain...

The non-partisan group Disabled American Veterans gives John McCain a 20 percent rating for his voting record on veterans' issues. (It gives Barack Obama an 80 percent rating.)

The non-partisan group Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America gives McCain a "D" grade for his voting record on issues such as additional funding for combat body armor, and additional funding for post-traumatic stress disorder and other medical treatment. (Obama earned a B +.)

October 15, 2008 10:10 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain/Palin/Biden all have one thing in common - sons in the service.So, being a member of the guard and reserve system was a way out or maybe Canada if you were lucky in the '50s. Now the Guard is our Army so be prepared to Serve, it isn't a social club.

October 15, 2008 3:20 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More distortions, this time from a real fruitcake for mcsame and moose-patty "hold me accountable - NOT!" paylin:

Just last Friday, a woman told Senator John McCain at a town-hall-style meeting, “I have read about him,” and “he’s an Arab.” Mr. McCain corrected her.

Until this month, the man who is widely credited with starting the cyberwhisper campaign that still dogs Mr. Obama was a secondary character in news reports, with deep explorations of his background largely confined to liberal blogs.

False claims
But an appearance in a documentary-style program on the Fox News Channel watched by three million people last week thrust the man, Andy Martin, and his past into the foreground. The program allowed Mr. Martin to assert falsely and without challenge that Mr. Obama had once trained to overthrow the government.

An examination of legal documsents and election filings, along with interviews with his acquaintances, revealed Mr. Martin, 62, to be a man with a history of scintillating if not always factual claims. He has left a trail of animosity — some of it provoked by anti-Jewish comments — among political leaders, lawyers and judges in three states over more than 30 years.

He is a law school graduate, but his admission to the Illinois bar was blocked in the 1970s after a psychiatric finding of “moderately severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character.”

Though he is not a lawyer, Mr. Martin went on to become a prodigious filer of lawsuits, and he made unsuccessful attempts to win public office for both parties in three states, as well as for president at least twice, in 1988 and 2000. Based in Chicago, he now identifies himself as a writer who focuses on his anti-Obama Web site and press releases.

'I’m a colorful person'
Mr. Martin, in a series of interviews, did not dispute his influence in Obama rumors.

“Everybody uses my research as a takeoff point,” Mr. Martin said, adding, however, that some take his writings “and exaggerate them to suit their own fantasies.”

October 16, 2008 9:34 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, well, well... seems like paylin isn't going to shake this ethics violation off... A second abuse of power investigation. Hope she has to step down from the governor's job, too.

Troopergate investigator to get documents

Associated Press - October 16, 2008 7:13 PM ET

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) - A legislative panel has agreed to share personnel records with a lawyer leading a second abuse-of-power investigation into Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's firing of her public safety commissioner.

The Legislative Council voted unanimously Thursday to provide the documents to the Personnel Board's independent counsel, who is investigating Palin's firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan.

Last week, an investigator for the Legislative Council found that Palin was within her right to fire Monegan but had violated ethics laws by trying to get her former brother-in-law, a state trooper, fired.

The inqury began before Palin became the GOP vice presidential nominee, but has taken on broader political implications since then.

October 16, 2008 5:52 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe the plumber seems to be a plant by mcsame and moose patty paylin...

Wurzelbacher hasn't paid the taxes he already owes, according to the state of Ohio, which placed a tax lien against him for $1,182.98 on Jan. 26, 2007, that is still active. A second judgment against him was filed in March, 2007 by St. Charles Mercy Hospital for $1,261, records show.
The company McCain said the plumber wants to buy has annual sales of $510,000, according to an analysis by Dun & Bradstreet. That makes it unlikely that Wurzelbacher's purchase would give him a taxable income of more than $200,000 -- leaving him unaffected by Obama's proposal to roll back tax breaks for those earning more than $250,000, said Steven Bankler, a certified public accountant in San Antonio, who counts plumbers and other trade professionals as his clients.
Few Businesses Affected
Few such small businesses have enough income to be affected by Obama's tax changes, Bankler said.
One other problem in making Wurzelbacher a symbol of the overtaxed: he would pay just $773 more in taxes under Obama's plan than McCain's if he did earn an adjusted gross income of $280,000, according to an analysis by the Tax Foundation, a Washington research group that is critical of high taxes.
Earning that much would make Wurzelbacher very unusual among small businesses. According to the Internal Revenue Service, most small businesses organize in ways that allow their owners to pay taxes at personal rates rather than as corporations, which impose a second layer of taxes. Almost 95 percent of 21.5 million owners of small businesses who file as sole proprietors had receipts under $100,000 in 2007.
Another 4 million businesses organize as so-called subchapter S corporations, according to IRS data; less than 5 percent of them earn more than $200,000.
`No Joe Six-Pack'
If Wurzelbacher managed to earn $280,000, ``he's not an average Joe Six-Pack,'' said Gerald Prante, a senior economist at the Tax Foundation.
``Rather than a game-changing blow for the McCain campaign, `Joe the plumber' is turning into a bad case of blowback,'' said Rogan Kersh, a public service professor at New York University.
Still, McCain is making an appeal to the white working class, a demographic ``disproportionately represented in many swing states,'' said Karlyn Bowman, an analyst at Washington's American Enterprise Institute. ``That's Joe's group.''
The tax lien was filed in January 2007, six months after the state certified a delinquency for the taxes, said Ray Ann Estep, section chief for revenue-recovery services for the Ohio attorney general.
``Unfortunately, sometimes people don't resolve their debts as quickly as we would like them to,'' she said.
No License
Wurzelbacher doesn't have a plumber's license and isn't registered as a plumber in Ohio, the Toledo Blade reported on its Web site yesterday. His employer has a state plumbing license, the newspaper said.
Before living in Ohio, Wurzelbacher was a resident of Mesa, Arizona, in McCain's home state, according to property records.

October 17, 2008 10:32 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many Soldiers support Obama and consider him a better person to head this countries military and is mature enough to decide on foreign policy?? Really?? I have heard some that are in local Units saying they wish they could be home for the holidays, but, quite a few are reups or it is their only "job" and the wages keep their families together. It would be nice to have all Soldiers stationed here in the USA, where there would be no chance of gun fire, but they would be well trained, fed and paid. That's not how it works. Be proud of our men/women who now know this is not a friendly world and terrorist surround us and they are where ever the Nation needs them for a purpose - to keep us and the world at large safe, if not safer than it was 10-15 years ago. McCain and any person he would select to surround him would be the better person to take charge of our country at this time.

October 18, 2008 12:07 PM 
Anonymous Gus said...

A joke, via Jay Leno, about Joe The Plumber:

There is talk that this Joe guy is a plant, to which President Bush said: "Oh really, I thought he was a plumber."

Just thought I'd mix in a little levity.

October 19, 2008 11:15 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maureen Miller
AC360° Writer

It’s 14 days and counting until the election. Two weeks from tonight chances are you’ll be glued to your TV (watching CNN, of course) looking for election results.

Tonight a story has surfaced that has the McCain-Palin ticket on the defensive.

The Associated Press is reporting Gov. Sarah Palin charged the state for her children to travel with her, including to events where they were not invited, and later amended expense reports to specify that they were on official business.

The AP says the charges included costs for hotel and commercial flights for three daughters to join Palin to watch their father in a snowmobile race, and a trip to New York, where the governor attended a five-hour conference and stayed with 17-year-old Bristol for five days and four nights in a luxury hotel.

In all, the AP says Palin has charged the state $21,012 for her three daughters’ 64 one-way and 12 round-trip commercial flights since she took office in December 2006.

October 22, 2008 7:52 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At a rally in Bethlehem, Pa. last week, Cindy McCain spoke about having two sons serving on active duty: "I'm proud of my sons, but let me tell you, the day that Senator Obama cast a vote not to fund my son when he was serving sent a cold chill through my body. I would suggest that Senator Obama change shoes with me for just one day, and see what it means."

Never mind how many drinks are needed to erase the mental image of Barack Obama wearing Cindy McCain's stiletto heels. The fact is -- many military spouses support Obama-Biden, and they were deeply offended by Mrs. McCain's outburst.

Let's fact-check her remark, shall we?

Cindy McCain was referring to a single 2007 Senate vote: Obama voted for a war-spending bill that included language calling for withdrawing troops from Iraq; but later he voted against a version of the same bill because it no longer included the withdrawal language. "We must fund our troops, but we owe them something more," Obama said at the time. "We owe them a clear, prudent plan to relieve them of the burden of policing someone else's civil war."

In other words, Sen. Obama wanted to fund the troops, he just didn't support the flawed military strategy this particular bill would enable. (Previously, Obama had voted YES on at least 10 other war funding bills. For a lengthy list of John McCain's NO votes on military funding, click here.)

"It ruffles our feathers when someone claims that Barack Obama doesn't support the troops, because the Obamas have gone out of their way to understand the military, its families, and its veterans," Stephanie Himel-Nelson, deputy director of outreach for Blue Star Families for Obama, told OffTheBus. "In fact, Michelle Obama has adopted military families as one of her causes."

Would Cindy McCain "Change Shoes" With These Military Wives?

"When millionaires such as Cindy McCain act as if they understand our lives, and the lives of everyday military families and veterans, we get upset," said Himel-Nelson.

October 22, 2008 7:56 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep thinking - What if the President would pass for some reason and the VP would be in charge. Would you prefer to have a person from a small state of Del. or a larger state Alaska which is next door to Canada and Russia,take over the seat of President with the same Cabinet and Congress to guide (him/her)?? What if something like 9/11 were to happen a short time after the new President took office or our President were taken ill (McCain - Cancer & Obama - a smoker - cancer too?) That's a big one - so you can see it is all people surrounding our new President that will count, not a few that want to run the show some day.

October 22, 2008 8:01 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alaska's entire state population is smaller than a lot of cities. And with a howler monkey shrieking doom and other lies, I'll vote for Obama and Biden. A pit bull that bounced around in about 5 colleges before finally getting a degree, that the GOP paid $150,000 to spruce her up. Yeah, the tongues are hanging down to the ground looking at her prim library come hither looks. Mid-life crisis averted by some gams and a smile. No thanks, I don't want a loose cannon and his bookend in the white house with their hands on the button.

October 22, 2008 6:36 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder how much that "Michael Jackson" jacket cost out of the $150,000 that the RNC spent sprucing paylin off. And her $50,000 charges to the state of Alaska now include for her kids to travel to see the 1st dude snowmobile, as well as other events that the kids were NOT invited to. paylin revised her expense reports to say they were. Funny how she says she didn't violate any ethics either.

But the RNC now says the clothes will go to charity. I think $92 for a baby outfit is outlandish and the rest is beyond the pale for a "hockey mom". $4,000+ in two months for hair styles and $13,000+ for a make-up artist. Wow, and you wonder why people want change and don't buy into the "trickle down" bs.

October 23, 2008 9:50 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read an article that said that O'Bama's wife wants him to stop smoking? If he does smoke - will the Tobacco Industry and local farmers that grow tobacco still get a break for growing this crop?? Will the Health Industry consider him a "cause" they can use to push certain new drugs, etc.? Insurance Companies knowing his addiction would this be used to up insurance on people that have this problem (they already have a line asking the quiestion-do you smoke?). If he is a smoker are his children in the house or car with him? Has their and his wife's health been checked because down the line it will show up and we all will pay for this one mistake in judgment.

October 27, 2008 12:23 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly when were the Disabled American Veterans canvassed?? The Iraq War Veterans - when/where was this whole matter taken place - time frame? Since our neighborhood and family would be among those that were suggested in the Blog above - why were not all Vets and present Soldiers included? Interesting, but not truthful.

October 28, 2008 11:06 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Exactly when were the Disabled American Veterans canvassed?? The Iraq War Veterans - when/where was this whole matter taken place - time frame? Since our neighborhood and family would be among those that were suggested in the Blog above - why were not all Vets and present Soldiers included? Interesting, but not truthful.

October 28, 2008 11:06 AM


What's untruthful? My post didn't mention ALL Vets and your post said "why were not all Vets & present Soldiers included?" My post also has names of the people to go with their comments at this cindy mcshameless rally. So, I think you're being the untruthful one.

November 7, 2008 8:49 AM 

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