Art Thou

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Love for the Louvre

I've been wanting to post a few photos that my sister, Jennifer Stettler, and I have taken over the years of the Louvre. Enjoy.

I took this photo in 2007 when my family and I took a trip to Paris. My sister, an art history major at the time, gave us a full tour of the most important museum in the world.

I love this picture.
Incase you can't tell, that isn't a real person. I believe he's made out of plaster.

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Art Matters and so does Esherick

This week, two Art Thou columns will be released: Art Thou: The Awakening of Debra Ross (Ticket Magazine) and Art Thou: Yearning to Return to the House of Esherick (Art Matters magazine). I've already talked about this week's Debra Ross story however I have yet to mention my upcoming Esherick column.

Those who have followed Art Thou since my Campus Philly days will remember the first time that I visited the house of Esherick in Paoli, Pa. Esherick was a wood sculpture and furniture maker. He often took long walks in the woods around his home at the edge of Valley Forge and often saw his future sculptures in tree trunks.

He designed his home in unique manner based around how best to use space which I will describe with more detail in this Wednesday's column.

If you have visited the house of Wharton Escherick leave a comment and tell me about your experience and what you like best.

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bernard Katz's Glass Art

I talked to Bernard Katz in Spring 2008 while working for Campus Philly. Here's a quick slide show of his work. I encourage readers to check out his weekly glass blowing demonstrations which will resume Sept. 8.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Awakening Debra Ross

Today, I spoke with Blue Bell, Pa. painter Debra Ross. She is truly an outstanding painter and I must emphasize that her paintings via email or on any digital platform are much different than in person and on canvas. Her paintings are as much about the physical paint as they are about what image that paint depicts.

For instance in "Phospholipid Ballet," a work I will be mentioning in my upcoming column, Debra mixes real cholesterol to her pallet.

But as far as seeing Debra as an artist, I must compare here to the early career of Bob Dylan in that she has come out of nowhere as if God placed her on earth only to inspire us to see a new way to painting.

Next Wednesday, my column on Debra and her triptych will go to print. This is a three part paintings entitled Precursors, Processes and Product. It was painted for a Drexel University class room for Bio Engineers.

Debra Ross' work will be on display at the Pii Gallery Sept. 4 through Sept. 26.

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Name: Andy Stettler
Location: Plymouth Meeting, PA, United States

Montgomery Media Video and Online Editor. Social Media guy at Montgomery Media and Music Training Center.

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