A gift from Mo Gerngross
Readers might remember when I visited Gerngross' work last month at the PII Gallery in Old City. I wrote that the true meaning of her work was left for the interpreter to decide.
I like that she paints without a plan and allow her body to so freely paint in these whimsical strokes. She must free both her mind and her brush in order to paint the way that she does.
The painting I've shown here is what I found in the envelope. It had been wrapped gently in tissue paper and when I lifted the blue tape seal I realized what it was.
In her letter Mo said that I could use it as a book mark (it's about the size of a post card). But, I can't imagine hiding this in a book? That's no place for this quiet masterpiece. Instead this will grace either my desk in my home office or at the Fort [Washington office] as a trophy to one of my greatest finds, the work of Mo Gerngross.
Labels: art thou, Mo Gerngross, Pii Gallery
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