Art Thou

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Barnes on the Parkway Web cam

The Barnes Foundation has now posted a Web cam that will catalog the progress of the construction. From what I've seen it looks to be a photo cam that takes photos every once in a while rather than a video cam.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Speaking with Don Argott on "The Art of the Steal"

I just got off the phone with Director Don Argott. He directed the popular documentary film “Rock School, ” based on the Paul Green School of Rock. Argott’s latest film “The Art of the Steal” is based on the controversial Barnes Foundation’s plan to move to Philadelphia, a mere five miles from its home in Merion.

Argott and I spoke about Lower Merion Township’s “too little, too late” approach to the situation has done very little to keep the Barnes where it is.

The film maker summed up the move with one principal problem, the Barnes Foundation’s Board of Trustee’s is set on moving to Philadelphia and have no interest in maintaining the late Albert Barnes’ will that the school never be moved from its place in Montgomery County.

Look for more on this story in this week’s column.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010


I recently received this video from Fred Danziger via email. Here the painter exercises his love for nature, once again, as he nurses a baby bird which he found had fallen out of a tree in his backyard.

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Monday, January 4, 2010

My House of Cards

Okay, so maybe my house of cards isn't the greatest form of architecture per say but I wasn't exactly going for the strongest building. Instead, I hoped to build a house based on balance (whether it be a strongly balanced building or in my case a swaying, weak one).

I built the house so that the entire structure would sit on two parallel cards. The four story home has a central tower which has several outward sectors which balance upon the central tower. One side of the building has full rooms while the others have decks or balconies. Of course everyone must use their imagination here.

"House of Cards" game was created in 1952 by Furniture Designers Charles and Ray Eames. The avant garde card game is the product of a collection of interests including in film, architecture, environment, toys and photography.

Packaged in two decks of fifty-four cards, one the Picture deck, the other the Pattern deck, each card has six slots enabling each eight-ply stock card to interlock with one another.

I've used the medium-sized, 4.5 x 6.87 inch cards whereas the earliest versions of the game had the average 2.5 x 3.5 playing cards.

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Monday, November 30, 2009

The search for Danziger's "Wooden 100"

My girlfriend's mother recently purchased a piece by Artist Fred Danziger. The piece is a wooden cutout of a man in a trench coat, drawn with black paint, from the 20s or 30s smoking a cigarette. I love how it interacts with the home but I have to say, the reason or meaning of the piece has left me (no pun intended) stumped because I can't find information anywhere about this wooden man. It's rumored that Mr. Danziger may have created this series at a young age before he had found his hand and now, as a highly skilled painter, the artist would rather not look back at the "Wooden 100."

I spent the weekend at my girlfriends home in Audubon, N.J. where her mother keeps Danziger's number four out of 100. Every time I came down the steps I would gasp as I saw the silhouette of a man out of the corner of my eye. Every single time!

I'm going to take a little more time with this piece before writing about it in this week's column. In addition, I will be at the Rodger LaPelle Galleries this Friday for First Friday to see more of Danziger's work. Tweet me anytime @AndyStettler with information on this series, the upcoming Danziger exhibition, or just to chat.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Art Thou: The Dreamscapes of Barbara Rosin

Above is the video which will accompany this weeks column. Enjoy.

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Name: Andy Stettler
Location: Plymouth Meeting, PA, United States

Montgomery Media Video and Online Editor. Social Media guy at Montgomery Media and Music Training Center.

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