Renewing the Voice

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Comments on the "Obama school speech snubbed"

My response to the Times Herald article "Obama school speech snubbed."
It seems that every four years we have to push our kids more and more to care about politics, to get out and vote. It is our schools' job to teach our children the importance of public decisions and how our nations works.

For our county's schools to say that they will not show Obama's back to school address, to me, is just one more reason why our children can so easily care so little about politics.

I'm very dissappointed to hear that my former high school, PWHS, will not show the adddress when eight years ago, a political science teacher stressed so strongly during the Bush vs. Kerry election that when students are engaged in current events today, they and their country have a leg up on tomorrow.

I hope to see the Colonial School District and the other districts on Montgomery County change their minds. In the meantime, I remain disappointed.

-Andy S. "

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