Renewing the Voice

Friday, July 31, 2009, setting a new trend for Web

This past week, posted its new website. The new puts more focus on the written articles than the past website which focused first on audio reporting and written second. Now it seems that the multimedia and print pieces are level in terms of importance. Very visitor friendly, whatever your media may be.

Their page view numbers must be incredible with the way that the site has interconnected itself. First of all, as before, each story also has an audio story meaning, that a reader like myself who likes to see how different publications use multimedia, will provide at the very least two page views per article.

Also, and this is probably the best idea they had in terms of reader input, notice how the "comments" icon catches the eye in the news section. It's almost as though the comments are "secretly" just as important as the articles themselves.

Monty is keeping the new model in mind as we continue to enhance our Web publication.

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