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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Life Imitating Art?

I know movies can influence real-life behavior, but this is a tad ridiculous.
In "The Shawshank Redemption," the protagonist (Tim Robbins) escapes from prison by hiding a hole he dug in his cell wall by covering it with a Rita Hayworth poster.

Apparently, two prisoners in New Jersey saw the film, as they used the same method to escape from their cells by removing cement blocks from the walls and covering the holes with magazine photos of scantily clad women in bikinis. Their escape pretty much strays from the movie's storyline there, as the squeezed through the openings to jump to the rooftop below and clambered over a 25-foot-tall fence in what was supposedly the prison's most secure sector. Robbins, meanwhile, escaped through the hole he dug and then crawled through sewage for several miles to freedom. Yeah, I wouldn't have gone for that either.

You'd think by this point that prisons would simply ban posters/photos all together. Or maybe I'm just being my usual movie-nerd self and the two prisoners came up with the idea all on their own. In any case, I think this story is not only amusing, but a pretty sad depiction of the state of our prison system.

Later on,

Posted by
Brian McCarthy


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