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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Unconventional Holiday Spirit

I was driving home on Tuesday evening when I was witness to something pretty cool that I want to share with all of you.

Traffic moves relatively fast on 422, but all of the sudden, we had to come to a complete stop. Right in front of me, a Boscov's truck was stuck in the middle of the road. The truck was taking up all of the right lane and half of the left lane, so there was no way to get around it. Traffic quickly piled up.

The truck was coming down a very steep driveway and got stuck at the bottom. It had come off the driveway and the rear tire got stuck in the mud. The drivers were frantically trying to get the truck out, but they were digging themselves deeper into the mud. They tried putting a box under the tire and a blanket.

I thought "Oh no, we're never getting out of here. They are going to have to call a tow truck, which will take time to get here and then to get it out." And I was right in the front, so it's not like I could turn around and go anywhere. I turned off my car to wait.

And then something cool happened: a few cars drove up the shoulder and the drivers ran out of their vehicles. They started helping the truckers by pushing and jumping on the truck. It seemed futile at first, but then, it worked and the truck pulled free.

At that moment, for some odd reason, I thought about Christmas and what it meant. I drove away, not upset, but grateful for the help those men gave to all of us.

Posted by
Laurie Perini


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