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Friday, February 15, 2008

Contextual Dreams

When I was a little girl (I remember it was 5th grade) I wanted to be an oceanographer. I think that I wasn't really sure all that went into the position, but if there were marine animals and possible treasure dives, I was all about it.

I was told I could be anything I wanted to be and the sky was the limit.

I've found out that that's not necessarily true. Oceanography has numbers involved and when I see numbers (or math) I generally run in the other direction as fast I can. Math is not a strong subject for me, but I understand (and accept) that.

I do think that I can be anything I the context of my abilities. I love writing and dream about being a novelist, but I also know that most novelists don't make a lot of money (if any at all). So I compromised and found journalism, which I also enjoy.

We can do what we want to do, we just have to make it fit into our lives and our situations. Chances are I'm not going to be a professional football player, being a girl and 22, but that doesn't mean I can't play football with friends on the weekend, or even be in a community league if I want to (I don't like football, it was just an example. Last time I played, my roommate tackled me and I think I broke a rib).

Telling our children that they can be what they want is a good idea because they should always reach for more. I just think that we should also tell them, when they're older and they start to get it, that this has to fit into reality. They shouldn't have to go it alone on that sort of thing.

Posted by
Laurie Perini


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