Get Out & Vote

Today is the Pennsylvania Primary, and from what you
hear from both camps, our beloved state will decide
who'll represent the Democrats in the November
Our area's had the luxury of hearing from both Barack
Obama and Bill Clinton (Hilary's husband), and they
each had their fair share of topics and issues to
discuss. Each brought their A games with them, and
made a good point for their candidacy.
So they've done their part, and now it is up to us to
do ours. Don't believe that "my vote won't make a
difference." Just knowing that you have an opportunity
to express yourself and give your "say-so" in this
important decision is crucial.
If you don't think your vote matters, then you haven't
been buying gas lately, or notice how every little
thing has gone up in price over the past several
So weigh your options and get out and vote. Having
peace of mind in knowing you voted today is one small
step to a world of change, and a change in the world.
Posted by
Dennis J. Wright
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