Momma Danna Didn't Raise No Fool
For those of us who work in the newspaper business, election season can be a tricky time.
Yes, we all know the common perception that all of us journalism-types are liberal. That is true in some cases. It’s not true in others. What am I? Hopefully, if I do my job the way it should be done, you’ll never be able to tell.
Our goal as a media outlet is to present (I even hate to write it because it sounds so cliché) a balanced look at election happenings. The Phoenix, like every newspaper in the country, has an editorial page, and the opinions expressed on that page sometimes reflect the opinions of the people in the newsroom. Sometimes they don’t. We try very hard to be objective in our actual news coverage, and when it comes election time those of us at the grassroots of media coverage have a difficult time with that time-honored tradition of newspapers – the political endorsement.
The Phoenix will not be issuing political endorsements this year, for a couple of very good reasons.
First, political endorsements provide no service to our readers, other than to clue them in to who the staff is likely to vote for. We have followed the state and local races that will be on our readers’ ballots very closely. We have interviewed the candidates at length. We’ve covered their endorsements and policy speeches, etc., and all of that information is right here on Our readers are smart enough to make up their own minds. The pertinent information on
all local candidates has been presented, and they don’t need us telling them who we think they ought to vote for.
Second, endorsements provide no service to The Phoenix, or any other newspaper for that matter, as an institution. If a candidate is truly a great guy or gal with policy aims that are in everyone’s best interest, then it’s more that likely that the electorate knows it and is going to elect him or her anyway. It doesn’t help anyone for a newspaper to cheerlead. Neither does it help a newspaper if they endorse someone who presents themselves as a potentially great public servant, but later turns out to be a dirtbag.
This is not to say that The Phoenix has not or will not publish letters or guest columns that support or oppose certain candidates. We believe fully in the idea that every view deserves to be aired on our opinion page. In fact, I encourage everyone to read this to tell me who you’re voting for (in any race) in the comments section of this blog. We’re just not convinced that putting our personal views on any given candidate does anyone any real good.
Posted by Nick Danna
Yes, we all know the common perception that all of us journalism-types are liberal. That is true in some cases. It’s not true in others. What am I? Hopefully, if I do my job the way it should be done, you’ll never be able to tell.
Our goal as a media outlet is to present (I even hate to write it because it sounds so cliché) a balanced look at election happenings. The Phoenix, like every newspaper in the country, has an editorial page, and the opinions expressed on that page sometimes reflect the opinions of the people in the newsroom. Sometimes they don’t. We try very hard to be objective in our actual news coverage, and when it comes election time those of us at the grassroots of media coverage have a difficult time with that time-honored tradition of newspapers – the political endorsement.
The Phoenix will not be issuing political endorsements this year, for a couple of very good reasons.
First, political endorsements provide no service to our readers, other than to clue them in to who the staff is likely to vote for. We have followed the state and local races that will be on our readers’ ballots very closely. We have interviewed the candidates at length. We’ve covered their endorsements and policy speeches, etc., and all of that information is right here on Our readers are smart enough to make up their own minds. The pertinent information on

Second, endorsements provide no service to The Phoenix, or any other newspaper for that matter, as an institution. If a candidate is truly a great guy or gal with policy aims that are in everyone’s best interest, then it’s more that likely that the electorate knows it and is going to elect him or her anyway. It doesn’t help anyone for a newspaper to cheerlead. Neither does it help a newspaper if they endorse someone who presents themselves as a potentially great public servant, but later turns out to be a dirtbag.
This is not to say that The Phoenix has not or will not publish letters or guest columns that support or oppose certain candidates. We believe fully in the idea that every view deserves to be aired on our opinion page. In fact, I encourage everyone to read this to tell me who you’re voting for (in any race) in the comments section of this blog. We’re just not convinced that putting our personal views on any given candidate does anyone any real good.
Posted by Nick Danna
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