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The Phoenix and the Phoenixville Area School District have teamed up to bring you The Purple Press, a blog created by the students of the Phoenixville Area School District!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Andrew and Tom Cappelli: Brothers and Best Friends

You might have seen them walking down the hallway together, or you might have seen them separate. At any rate, you probably have noticed they look exactly the same; yes, the people I’m talking about are juniors Andrew and Tom Cappelli, one of the pairs of twins roaming the hallways of Phoenixville Area High School. Andrew and Tom are identical twins, meaning that they share a lot of similar physical characteristics, but they’re surprisingly different in their personalities.

So what’s it like for these two boys to be twins? “I wouldn’t know ,” said Tom, “because I’ve never been anything but a twin. It’s kind of like having two names.” Andrew said, “It’s weird. Sometimes it’s on my mind that I’m a twin, and at other times it completely slips my mind.”

Andrew and Tom loved being twins when they were younger because they “always had someone to play with,” as Andrew stated. When they were younger, Andrew and Tom used to fool their teachers, making them think they were the other one. “[Our parents] even put us in matching outfits for Halloween,” said Tom. In fact, Andrew and Tom have been mistaken for each other so many times that they can’t even count. “We’ve been mistaken for each other so much,” said Tom, “that I basically answer to the name Andrew.”

But are all those mysteries about twins true? Do Andrew and Tom have a psychic twin connection? “Sometimes I can tell [Tom] has a bad day before I even see him,” said Andrew. Tom commented that sometimes they finish each other’s sentences.

In his spare time, Andrew likes to play video games, surf the net on YouTube, and play the harmonica. He even likes to stay in shape by running. Tom likes to wrestle in his spare time, he’s involved with the TV studio, and he’s even involved in the Fall Play (just like Andrew!).

In the future, Andrew wants to join the Air Force and Tom wants to join the ROTC and go into the field of medicine.

“It’s a lot of fun [being a twin],” said Andrew. “You always have someone who’s got your back.” Tom also likes being a twin because he always has someone who understands him. “It helps too,” Tom stated, “because you always have someone who knows the homework.”

Sometimes, however, they think that being a twin can be annoying because sometimes people see them as “The Cappelli’s” and not just two unique individuals. They also get annoyed with getting called the wrong name all of the time.

Overall, “We’re pretty close,” said Tom, “as close as any brothers would be.” “We get pretty angry at each other sometimes, but we’re still best friends.” said Andrew. Although they might not always get along, Andrew and Tom are close brothers and they always have each other’s back. They have their separate talents that make them unique, but they share a bond which will always be strong.


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