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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Latin Winners

Kathryn Sutton

Results are in from the 70th Annual Latin Week competitions sponsored by the Philadelphia Classical Society. The classical society was founded in 1924 to promote the teaching of Latin and Greek in the Philadelphia area. Latin students from schools in the area can submit works of art from several categories including drawings, painting, sculptures, posters, models, or literary works like poems or stories. They can also take an academic test, and they qualify for an award if they place in the top five highest scores, for their level of Latin, in their district. Latin III and IV students were given an exceptionally hard test, similar to some tests from an intermediate Latin university level course. Congratulations to the following winners from PAHS:
Project Winners

Latin I: Rebekah Cox, an original centaur story

Kathryn Sutton, drawing of Furies

Latin II: Kayla Allen, hippocampus diorama

Alexander Clark, Nemean lion drawing

Felicia Dellaquila, Empusa goddess drawing

Catherine Hamilton, Pegasus drawing and Medusa model

Latin III: Evan Panepinto and Jeremy Witcher, Polyphemus diorama

Michele Wisely, phoenix model

Academic Winners

Latin I- Emily Boring

Rich Brenner

Vincent Ciaverelli

Kathryn Sutton

Latin II- Kayla Allen

Catherine Hamilton

Alyssa Lipcsey

Joseph Mc Erlean

Ryan Vogan

Latin III – Michele Wisely

PAHS students did very well at this year’s Latin Week competition and should do even better next year!

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Michele Wisely and Evan Panepinto holding their projects Michele Wisely with her phoenix model

Your browser may not support display of this image.Evan Panepinto with his Polyphemus diorama

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Michele Wisely’s phoenix model Evan Panepinto and Jeremy Witcher’s Polyphemus diorama


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