Chelsea Lately: Degrading One Celebrity at a Time

By: Laura Gronski
Did you ever have a late night desire to get your celebrity gossip? For everyone who needs their daily craving of celebrity news with a twist, Chelsea Lately on E! is your answer. Chelsea Lately is a talk show on E! where correspondents and comedians take recent celebrity news and bash them. Chelsea Lately is on every week night at 11 pm. Chelsea Handler, the host of Chelsea Lately, uses her sarcasm and comic genius to make this talk show fun and very entertaining.
The main part of Handler’s show is called the Round Table. At this point in the show, Chelsea Handler and three other comedians and actors discuss pop culture and celebrity news. Handler usually picks a topic, whether it is Paris Hilton announcing she wants to be in the second Twilight movie, or Miley Cyrus suing her parents again; comedians on the Round Table go back and forth explaining how ridiculous some celebrities are. Some Round Table regulars include John Caparulo, Heather McDonald, Loni Love, Jason Kennedy, Giulianna Rancic, Jo Koy, Josh Wolf, Brad Wollack and Michael Yo from Yo! On E! At the end of the show, Handler always interviews celebrities, whether they have a new album coming out or they are part of a popular show. Another main part of the show is Chuy, Chelsea’s sarcastic assistant. Chuy and Chelsea have a love-hate relationship.
Chelsea Handler is not afraid to touch on sensitive topics. She always digs deep to make the show more interesting. She’s had rapper T.I. on the show talking about T.I.’s new show on MTV, T.I.’s Redemption. She had him discuss some of the things he’s worried about, such as not being able to produce music when he goes off to jail. Handler recently interviewed Russel Brand and was not shy to discuss his sex addict problems. Also, Khloe Kardashian of Keeping Up With The Kardashians came on to promote the upcoming season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians and to talk about herself going to jail after skipping three consecutive DUI classes. Some of Chelsea’s questions throw the celebrities off, but most play along with them. Most of Chelsea’s questions have the celebrities laughing to themselves.
Your browser may not support display of this image.Your browser may not support display of this image. Chelsea Handler is very blunt when it comes to humiliating celebrities. She openly dislikes many celebrities including Lindsay Lohan and her lover Samantha Ronson, Paris Hilton, Miley Cyrus, Amy Winehouse, Perez Hilton (who has been on the Round Table), Heidi and Spencer from The Hills, The Jonas Brothers, Madonna and Kanye West. Chelsea is quick to bash these celebrities for anything stupid they may have said to the press. Every time Chelsea Lately discusses Kanye West she challenges him to come on the show for an interview so he can defend himself, but he is yet to be on the show for an interview with Chelsea.
Your browser may not support display of this image.Your browser may not support display of this image.Your browser may not support display of this image. For everyone who needs your dose of laughter from celebrity gossip, watch Chelsea Handler on Chelsea Lately. This show is very entertaining and you’ll definitely get a good laugh out of it. So get your Chelsea on with Chelsea Lately, weeknights at 11pm on E!
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