Their Lyrics are as "Well Thought Out" as Their Name.....
There are certain bands whose music makes you press just a little bit harder on your gas pedal while you're rocking out to them in the car. A Well Thought Tragedy, signed to Creep Records with their first full length album "The Persona", is definitely one such band. Though at first listen the lyrics are a bit hard to decipher through the passionate, guttural screams of lead vocalist Max, a quick peek into the liner notes of the album was definitely worthwhile. In "The Product of Betrayal", AWTT skips the usual overblown language and generalizations bands in their genre are known for and throws out vivid descriptions of painful emotions we've all experienced at least once in our lives. This powerful song actually allows his
listeners to feel their own hands shake and their hearts beat faster as they listen to his vivid account of the moment he's been betrayed by the person he loved. Even the instrumental parts in the song mimic the static you can hear in the air that surrounds you the moment you're hit with such shocking news. It's pretty easy to forget that you're actually listening to an album when you're taking in the sounds of AWTT. Listening to "Motive Assessment", I was practically taken to the cold barren jail cell Max describes in his song. Already being a fan of bands like Bullet For My Valentine and Avenged Sevenfold, AWTT fits naturally into any of my favorite playlists. If you're a fan of these bands or any other bands like them, I'm sure you'll dig A Well Thought Tragedy, and don't be shocked when their name comes up on your Sirius or one of your local radio stations sometime soon.
Posted by
Christine Gibboni

Posted by
Christine Gibboni
Do yourselves a favor, fire that other girl and hire this one...
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