Friday, June 27, 2008

Barack Obama and the Abortion-On-Demand Industry

No candidate for U.S. President has ever been as pro-abortion as Barack Obama.

Obama's views on abortion have been called extreme by none other than Nat Hentoff, the liberal columnist who said he won't vote for Obama because the senator's voting record is so far away even from the liberal "mainstream."

Barack Obama is running television commercials trying to convince voters that he's "one of us." But his views on abortion are nowhere near what the vast majority of Americans believe.

Tony Perkins Asks Barack Obama: When Does Life Begin?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. Barack Obama is so far to the left on abortion that liberals won't even follow him? The more we know about this guy, the more we gotta realize that he would be a terrible president.

June 27, 2008 3:42 PM 

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