Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pennsylvania and its people are getting older

After five years in office, Gov. Ed Rendell has finally figured out there's a lot of old people in Pennsylvania.

A new report details the challenges of running a state when one in four residents will be 60 years of age or older by 2020.

You don't have to read the report to figure out that fewer workers will have to support the massive state government that Rendell has built over the past five years.

You don't have to read the report to realize that the tax burden on working Pennsylvanians is already too great thanks to Rendell.

You don't have to read the report to figure out that most of the state's young people are leaving because they can't afford to live in Pennsylvania anymore.

And you don't have to read the report to realize that an older population will put a greater strain on government resources.

It took Rendell five years to figure all this out?

Thanks to Ed Rendell's taxing policies, massive growth in state spending ($8 billion since 2003) and broken promises on property tax relief, most elderly Pennsylvanians are struggling to hold on to their homes.

If you want to read the Pennsylvania 2020 Vision Report, follow the link below.

Governor Rendell Says '2020 Vision Report' Outlines Challenges Facing State Government as Pennsylvania's Population Ages

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone truly says they're better off today than they were 5 years ago when Ed Rendell took office? He's spent and taxed Pennsylvania into the poorhouse.

June 27, 2008 3:43 PM 

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