Thursday, July 10, 2008

Montco Democrats show desperation

Todd Stephens is a highly regarded assistant district attorney in Montgomery County. He's also the Republican candidate for the 151st State House seat now held by Democratic state Rep. Rick Taylor.

Montgomery County Democratic Party boss Marcel L. Groen wants Stephens fired from his job in the district attorney's office.

Groen (sounds French doesn't it?) offered some convoluted reason for seeking Stephen's dismissal. Something about jeopardizing the federal Hatch Act, which prohibits federal employees and employees in programs that receive federal funds from participating in partisan political activities.

By the same logic, Gov. Ed Rendell should have resigned his office before spending 6 full weeks campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Pennsylvania is the beneficiary of billions of dollars in federal funds, right?

Anyway, if all this sounds like a political hatchet-job, welcome to Marcel Groen's world. The Demo party boss has been emboldened by recent registration gains by Democrats in the county and the elevation of county Commissioner Joe Hoeffel as kingpin thanks to a secret deal made with GOP turncoat Jim Matthews.

Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Ferman appropriately rejected Groen's request to fire Stephens.

"This is why the public thinks politicians are such idiots," Ferman told reporter Margaret Gibbons. "Todd Stephens is a dedicated public servant devoted to the cause of protecting kids against Internet predators. In addition to being a tough-as-nails prosecutor, he spends countless hours educating parents, children and educators on how to protect kids against Internet predators. And this is the kind of dedication these knuckleheads want us to stop? Give me a break."

Do you think the Democrats are worried about losing the 151st House District? Taylor has accomplished nothing in Harrisburg. Stephens is the real deal. You better believe Montco Democrats are afraid of losing the 151st House seat.

Blogger Bill Shaw at WRITEMARSH! has some thoughts on Groen's request and a terrific illustration that puts the whole matter into perspective.

Read the full story about Groen's request in today's edition of The Times Herald.

For more on Todd Stephen's bid for the state Legislature, visit his campaign Web site,



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