Thursday, August 7, 2008

'Sen. Obama should learn arithmetic'

It's a shame the liberal media gives Barack Obama a free pass on most of his positions.

Even a cursory examination of Obama's platform exposes the worn-out liberal ideas of the past.

Take Obama's "stimulus" plan to provide $1,000 to help working Americans pay for gasoline by imposing a a "windfall profits" tax on oil companies.

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review calls the idea "more populist pap" from a candidate who's already earned an Olympic Gold Medal in pandering for votes.

Economists have ridiculed Obama's plan, but the left-wing media doesn't want you to know how ridiculous Obama's economics plan is.

From an editorial in the newspaper:
As Donald J. Boudreaux, chairman of the department of economics at George Mason University (and a regular Trib columnist), notes, "Sen. Obama should learn arithmetic."

"Total profits of U.S. oil companies in 2007 were about $90 billion," says the good professor. "If Uncle Sam took all of these profits and distributed them equally to all households in the U.S., each household would get $750."
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.

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