Friday, September 12, 2008

Bill O'Reilly offers advice to Sarah Palin

Bill O'Reilly has some advice for Sarah Palin on how to deal with the elite media, which is gunning for Palin because she's stealing the spotlight from media darling Barack Obama.

"I would tell Sarah to be Sarah: Feisty, down-to-earth and funny," O'Reilly says in a new column. "Don't try to be Henry Kissinger. Just demonstrate a grasp of the issues and a determination to look out for the folks. The key phrase for Palin should be 'Here's what we want to do.' Then, using simple terms, state that."

More advice from O'Reilly:
Right now, Americans voters want to be reassured that their jobs are safe and that some crazy terrorist won't blow up their neighborhood. Palin has dealt with economic issues successfully in Alaska. On national security she has no record. But I'm sure there are things she wants to do in order to keep her five children safe. Just say them.

The elite media has little in common with everyday Americans, and Palin should just laugh off their attempts to demean her. She can best capitalize on her incredibly fast start by simply keeping it simple. Nice goes a long way in life — also, in politics.
Read the full column at


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