ACORN goes on the offensive

The nuts over at ACORN, which has made voter registration fraud an art, are holding screening parties for a new "documentary" about voter suppression.
ACORN is holding house parties in 17 cities around the country, including Philadelphia, to screen its propaganda film.
I guess ACORN would like to take voters' minds off the Nov. 4 election long enough to get Barack Obama elected.
From an ACORN press release:
Recently the McCain-Palin campaign, the Republican party and some sensationalist members of the media, have been on a weeks-long campaign to discredit ACORN over bogus allegations of "voter fraud." This video examines both the skewed media attention and the real story of ACORN's voter registration program. It also aggressively calls attention to the ongoing campaign of suppression, which affects far more voters than anything recently covered by the mainstream media.ACORN still hasn't come up with an explanation of how it registered Mickey Mouse to vote in Florida or signed up a 7-year-old voter or turned in paperwork for an Ohio man who registered 72 times.
And why won't those pesky FBI agents leave ACORN alone? And that $800,000 Barack Obama gave to ACORN earlier this year has nothing to do with voter registration fraud, either.
To keep up with the latest shenanigans from ACORN, visit the ACORNS DON'T FALL FAR FROM THE TREE blog.
Labels: ACORN, Barack Obama, Voter Fraud
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