Monday, October 20, 2008

More evidence of voter fraud in Pennsylvania

The Pocono Record has an interesting story (and video) on voting irregulatiries in Monrie County. And guess which pro-Obama group is behind it? Yes, it's ACORN again.

From the Pocono Record:
Voter fraud, plaguing much of the United States, has reached Monroe County. Officials point to ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) as one culprit.

"We've had a lot of duplicate, triple registrations. Registrations that just went through in another county then they registered here a week later," said Monroe County Voter Registration Office Director Sara May-Silfee.

Duplicate registrations require the voter registration office to go through the process of verification and notification, which May-Silfee said wastes time on processing honest people, getting them registered, and processing and sending absentee ballots.

The county has run into registration problems in connection with ACORN. The group is being investigated in several states for voter registration violations and fraud.

"I have also had a lot of complaints about ACORN being very active at East Stroudsburg University, and about duplicate registrations going on. What we receive we must process and any duplicates get declined. But that
is still a lot of wasted time," May-Silfee said.

The problems with fraudulent voter registration seem to be getting worse this year.

"It's the most I've ever seen. I think it's because these groups are out there doing these registration drives. It's my understanding that these groups were trying to meet quotas to get so many people registered. People are saying 'They told me to do it again. They told me,'" she said.
Click here to read more.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The headline and the story are both incorrect. It is voter registration fraud, not voter fraud.

Voter registration fraud is typicaly caught and corrected by the voter registration folks, as the story points out. As a matter of fact, ACORN generally sends the forms to the registration folks in a pile marked suspect, to assist in those efforts. By law, in PA, they must turn in every filled out voter registration form they receive. There really is no story here.

Tony, why don't you write about the danger to democracy that un-auditable voting machines create? There are machines in WV that are flipping votes for Obama (actual votes, not registration for votes) to votes for McCain. That is the biggest threat to democracy, that and the illegal scrubbing of the voter roles to remove some voters, without their knowledge and against US federal law.

October 21, 2008 11:49 AM 

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