Tuesday, October 14, 2008

ACORN registers Mickey Mouse in Fla.

Daily news reports of massive voter fraud by ACORN on behalf of the Barack Obama campaign are mind-boggling.

In Florida, ACORN submitted a voter registration form for a Floridian by the name of Mickey Mouse, according to Orange County elections officials.

The St. Petersburg Times reports that ACORN officials are defending their bogus registrations when confronted with evidence of voter fraud.

This year, ACORN signed up 1.3 million voters nationwide and about 152,000 in Florida, mostly in Orange, Broward and Miami-Dade counties, according to the Republican National Committee.

This truly is a historic election. If Obama wins, 2008 will go down as the year the presidential race was stolen from voters by a radical group called ACORN, which received $800,000 earlier this year from the Obama campaign to sign up new voters.

RNC: Vote Drives Defended, Despite Fake Names

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