Friday, October 10, 2008

PA GOP accuses ACORN of voter fraud

Pennsylvania Republican Party leaders are the latest to blow the whistle on the massive voter fraud campaign orchestrated by the group ACORN on behalf of the Obama campaign.

Suspected fraud has been uncovered in Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Allegheny County, according to the state GOP.

One of the most flagrant cases of abuse involves a York man employed by ACORN who submitted more than 100 bogus registration forms during an eight-day period, according to GOP officials.

From a story by Brad Bumstead in The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
"I am not confident we can get a fair election," said Sandra Schultz Newman, a former member of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court who appreared at a press conference with state GOP leaders.
You can also read more in the Harrisburg Patriot-News.

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Anonymous pj said...

Why isn't this info "Front Page" in the media? Why wait until the election's over? ....duh, because then the election is over and we're stuck with this guy for 4 yrs.! When McCain tries to bring up the subject, his critics cry, "Foul." Someone has to sound the alarm, so go, Tony!

October 11, 2008 12:57 AM 

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