Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Did Your Congressman Cause the Financial Crisis? has a list of House and Senate members who voted for a law that prevented states from regulating credit default swaps. "This set the stage for the market in 'financial derivatives' that are a big part of what is causing the economic meltdown today," according to

In Pennsylvania, the following House members backed the bill:

PA-1 Brady, Robert (D)
PA-6 Holden, Tim (D)
PA-11 Kanjorski, Paul (D)
PA-12 Murtha, John (D)
PA-18 Doyle, Michael (D)
PA-21 English, Philip (R)

For a list of the 155 House and 22 Senate members who supported the bill (and are up for re-election on Nov. 4), follow the link below.

Did Your Representative Cause the Financial Crisis?

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