Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain's new best friend: Joe the Plumber

Joe Wurzelbacher, the plumber from Toledo, Ohio, who confronted Barack Obama about taxes, could end up swinging the election to John McCain.

Wurzelbacher asked Obama to explain how the liberal Democrat's plan to raise taxes for Americans earning $250,000 or more would not hurt small business owners.

Obama had no explanation other than to say that "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

Translation? Obama plans to take money away from small business owners through higher taxes and "spread" it around to people who don't pay taxes.

There's another word for Obama's scheme. It's called welfare.

That brief exchange between Wurzelbacher and Obama crystallized the basic choice in this year's presidential election.

Obama is pushing big government, higher taxes, protectionism, forced unionization and socialized medicine.

McCain says he will freeze government spending, eliminate pork and cut taxes for all Americans.

McCain made reference to Joe the plumber numerous times in Wednesday's presidential debate, saying he doesn't want to raise taxes on Joe or any other working American.

From The Associated Press:
Wurzelbacher watched Wednesday night's debate and said he still thinks Senator Obama's plan would keep him from buying the small business that employs him. About Senator McCain: "He's got it right as far as I go." Even so, Mr. Wurzelbacher declined to say who was getting his vote. He said he was surprised that he was called "Joe the Plumber" repeatedly during the debate. "It's pretty surreal, man, my name being mentioned in a presidential campaign."
If McCain pulls out this election, he may have to offer Wurzelbacher a job as White House plumber.

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Anonymous Kat said...

When Joe the Plumber actually purchases the business and actually grows it to a quarter of a million dollars, then I'll worry more about him. You can't make an omelet without cracking some eggs. Those who have more will sometimes have to contribute more. As I understand it, very few small business earn over that (although it wasn't stated, the tax returns I see for businesses report net income - all legitimate business expenses are deductions.

You conservative types need to calm down; 8 years of laissez-faire business practices have left a lot of us worse off. Are you advocating for more of the same? The fact is that without big labor to balance big business, big business has run amok. Time to rebalance!

October 20, 2008 5:05 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe the (non)Plumber may swing the election, but the other way. The vetting that McCain did on him was about as strenuous as the Vetting he did on Sarah Palin.

Sam (his real name) the (non)Plumber does not have a plumbers license, has not paid his taxes and was looking at buying a business that made way less than the $250K threshold. Under McCain's tax plan, Sam the non-Plumber would have paid about $1K more in taxes than under Obama's plan.

It's just another example of the McCain shoot from the hip method of campaigning, acting before thinking. It's just another reason why he is a bad choice to be president, showcasing his bad judgement once again

October 21, 2008 11:57 AM 

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