Saturday, October 25, 2008

Report says Obama Inaugural Address already written

Don't bother to vote on Nov. 4, folks. The liberal media and ACORN have already elected Barack Obama as president.

The Democratic Party nominee is so sure he's got this election in the bag that he's already written his inaugural address, according to none other than The New York Times, the official newsletter of the Obama Campaign.

RNC: AUDACITY WATCH: Obama Inaugural Address Already Written

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given realclearpolitics look at the electoral count, I would say that is not audacity rather fete accompli...

It's time to stop calling American Electorate dupes, uniformed or misguided. It's time to understand how the Republican party lost the confidence of our country.

October 26, 2008 8:06 PM 
Blogger Tony Phyrillas said...

The only poll that matters is the one taken on Election Day. John Kerry was ahead in the polls in 2004 right up until voters got their say.

October 27, 2008 12:07 PM 
Anonymous pj said...

It IS audacity! I sure hope voters wake up and smell his audacity in time. Then he can write, or rather let his writers write, his losing speech. He can't say anything intelligent without his writers. But then, he has nothing to work with......

October 27, 2008 11:47 PM 

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