Sunday, July 5, 2009

Memo to Ed Rendell

Balancing the state budget is not rocket science. You simply spend less money than you take in. Pennsylvania families and businesses have to live within their means every day. Why can't Ed Rendell?

"Contrary to the Governor's rhetoric, there are a plethora of reforms and spending cuts that can balance the budget without firing our police, evicting our elderly, or dumbing down our kids," says POLICY BLOG, which offers 10 Ways to Balance the Budget Without Tax Hikes.

Some of the suggestions:
1) Eliminate corporate welfare. The Governor's latest General Fund budget contains over $410 million in corporate welfare.

2) Eliminate, privatize, or implement user fees for "private goods" - such as museums, parks, and the arts. The Governor's budget spends almost $500 million to maintain non-core functions of state government.

3) Control self-service government programs expenses like legislative leadership accounts used to fund illegal bonuses. A number of state programs and expenditures work to benefit of government official and the detriment of citizens. Rendell's revised General Fund budget about $200 million on self-benefiting expenses.
Are you listening, Ed Rendell?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tony, how about State Soverignty rights legislation to eleviate some of these federal mandated handouts.

July 5, 2009 10:50 PM 

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