Sunday, October 14, 2007

YouTube Mondays! Radiohead Revelations 3:16

Radiohead are shaking the music industry to it's core with the inventive 'release' of their new phenominal masterpiece, "In Rainbows." More on that later, but for now I think their old video for "Just" illustrates all the crumbling and scrambling going on in the music biz these days. It's one of my all time favorite music vids. We still don't know to this day what the man tells the crowd at the end, but some speculate he says "down is the new up" or "Radiohead are at the window." What do you think? I say that he, and the rest of the crowd are all record executives and he says "That band up in the window, they're going to prove to the world in about 10 years that good music doesn't need us, and we'll all be out of jobs." Talk about a chilling prophecy.



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