Friday, November 16, 2007

Not willing to KISS and "Make-up"

Bored? Then go download some KISS albums.

The only reason for Gene Simmons and company to keep donning KISS' iconic black and white face paint is to cover up their wrinkling faces. I say this because Simmons recently told Billboard that fans shouldn't expect the group to reconvene in the studio to lay down any new tracks in the near future. Why? Because he's tired of everyone downloading his music, and there is no FINANCIAL motivation to work up some new rock anthems with half the world stealing his music.

FINANCIAL MOTIVATION?! Forget the fact that he's made millions and millions on merchandising and ticket sales in the past. Forget the fact that the world is still singing his songs or even interested in some old guys making some new rock music. He went so far to say that when the downloading wave began, labels and the government should have swept in fiercely and taken away the homes and cars of the kids downloading. My God, this man's head has gotten bigger than that darn tongue of his.

What do you think? Is he out of bounds?

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Anonymous Michael K said...

Chris -

I think Gene is misguided in his narrow view of downloading and his general blow-hardness (is that a word) about his own self-worth, however I give him props for not lying about his motivation.

I'm a KISS fan, but it seems to me that it's ALWAYS been about the $$$ with Gene - who else would slap their logo and likeness on every product imaginable? Witness the KISS coffin - end of discussion. ;-)

Sure, I wish that all my musical heroes were about the MUSIC first, and I do believe that many of them are (or were when they started). At least Gene is up-front about it, as distasteful as it sounds.

Shout it out loud.

November 26, 2007 3:55 PM 

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