The ULTIMATE YouTube Video

Looks like the movie industry is taking notes on the music industry.
Radiohead's 'pay what you want for our new album' approach to "In Rainbows" (self-released on the net earlier this year) may have struck a chord with the guys behind MTV's infamous Jackass series.
Fans of the demented stunt show will get a sequel to last year's feature film, Jackass 2, for totally free on the 'net' starting December 19. Jackass 2.5 (featuring new footage and some outtakes from the 2nd film) will be the ultimate YouTube video to be viewed completely for free at
It will only be up till Dec. 31, but will also be for sale on DVD at major retailers starting Dec. 26. Although it's being considered the first "free broadband movie ever distributed by a movie studio," I think realistically it's just a smartly-marketed internet commercial for a beefed up special edition DVD of Jackass 2. (anyone remember Spiderman 2.5? Or Xmen 2.5?)
So make sure you tune in with your high speed internet over the holidays, or you'll miss your chance to see dudes beat the crap out of one another, totally for free, without even going to a seedy bar in the bad part of town.
And speaking of Radiohead, Christmas came awesomely early for me, with my "In Rainbows" discbox arriving on my doorstep yesterday. The album on vinyl, CD, and with bonus tracks, plus a full out gorgeous color booklet. Totally worth the $80. Anyone else shell out the big ones for it?
Labels: Jackass 2.5, movie industry, music industry, Radiohead
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