Monday, June 16, 2008

Pistols reloaded!

Ai'ght, my nose has been away from the rabbit hole too long. Thanks again to all those who showed interest and/or bought themselves the Songs For Relay mix. Back to the grind.

And what better way to suit back up than by rattling off some recent bits and pieces of I've seen, and heard... from Johnny Rotten.

Allow me to pose a conundrum. When the sole album your group put to tape is vastly considered the flagship recording of an entire underground genre that celebrated the essence and demolition of rock n' roll while slamming conventional rock with a battering ram between the eyes, followed by taking a casual wizz on it's moaning corpse, what's the most ironically punk thing you could possibly do while peddling quickly past middle age? Say you ain't punk, never were punk, and never want to be punk.

Or, you could say Coldplay are really just a bunch of bloaks who wear anoraks.

Hi, I'm in Coldplay. I think The Sex Pistols are a bunch of guys who wear pink lingerie.

Oh, and Johnny Rotten also admits that the Pistols have discussed the possibility of a second album. But without Sid Vicious' horrendous bass playing on board, such a Pistols recording would not likely sound awful enough for me to want to hear it.

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