Friday, January 23, 2009

The Dark Knight redux

In a cheap move to make even more money Warner Bros. is rereleasing The Dark Knight into theaters this weekend -- because $997 million worldwide box office gross apparently just isn't enough.
dark knight! Pictures, Images and Photos

Actually, I think their bigger plan is to unseat Titanic as the domestic box office champion. And that just ticks me off!!

Sorry Dark Knight, you're no Titanic! I'll admit it's a well done film and yeah, I love me some Batman, but never, ever mess with my Jack Dawson!

The Dark Knight's been out on DVD for over a month, so greed can be the only factor in rereleasing it into theaters now. Hell, it didn't even get nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, so really, there's no other excuse.

Titanic Pictures, Images and Photos

Released in 1997, Titanic became the first ever film to gross a billion dollars worldwide and for good reason. The film is a masterpiece! I personally paid to see it 19 times in the theater, and not just because of some fangirl crush on Leonardo DiCaprio.

The story was heartbreaking and the effects were like nothing we had ever seen before. Hell, I even bought a big screen TV when it was released on VHS (yeah, those were the early days of DVD), because my 27-inch set just wasn't BIG enough for this HUGE flick!

It went on to win 11 Academy Awards, tying All About Eve for nominations (14) and Ben Hur for wins. It's worldwide gross stands at $1.8 billion dollars and it's closest competition is Lord of the Rings: Return of the King as somewhere around $1.2 billion. Yeah, I know my Titanic film trivia ...

So Cheers to Titanic (my all time fave film, in case you hadn't guessed) and Jeers to Warner Bros.' greed for rereleasing The Dark Knight into theaters.

According to, Titanic's final domestic gross stands at $600,788,188, while The Dark Knight grossed $529,143,070 during its first run. Yeah, that's right "first run." So WB, even if by some miracle it would top Titanic, at this point, James Cameron's massive box office behemoth would still be the highest grossing single-run film!


Sorry guys, had to get that off my chest!

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Blogger elfman said...

Wow Kim I didn't know you liked the Titanic. I'm glad I recommended it to you. HA

January 24, 2009 2:33 PM 

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