Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Fave Prez

On this historic day, I'm inspired to look back at my favorite TV/Movie presidents of all time ... here's my Top 5.

Presidential Seal Pictures, Images and Photos

5. President Bill Mitchell -- Kevin Kline (Dave, 1993): Mitchell is the philandering and distant President of the U.S., while David Kovic is a sweet-natured and caring Temp Agency operator, who happens to be an exact doppleganger for the Prez. When the Prez suffers a severe stroke whilst having a trist with one of his aides, Dave finds himself stuck in the role indefinitely. A funny and heart-warming tale sure to please all who watch.

Kevin Kline Pictures, Images and Photos

4. President Josiah Edward "Jed" Bartlet -- Martin Sheen (The West Wing, NBC): C'mon, how could he NOT make the list. Sheen was one of the most beloved TV president's of all time on an equally loved show. His everyman appearance, whilst dealing with world turmoil made this show worth watching every week. Bartlet represents, in many ways, an idealized president, endowed with a fierce intellect, great (though not infallible) personal intregrity, toughness tempered with essential compassion for the less fortunate and a sense of humor. Kudos to Sheen for making him so likable!

Jed Bartlet West Wing Pictures, Images and Photos

3. President James Marshall -- Harrison Ford (Air Force One, 1997): Ford, ever the champion, shines in the role as our Commander in Chief. After announcing during a speech in Moscow that America will undertake a new offensive against terrorism, Ford finds himself and his family the victims of terrorists who take over the President's official ride Air Force One. Gary Oldman leads the terrorists, who believe the Prez left in an escape pod, only to find that he's undermining their plans a-la behind the scenes Die Hard-style! Best Moment: Out the back of the plane when Ford, after defeating Oldman says -- "Get off my plane!"

Harrison Ford Pictures, Images and Photos

2. President Thomas J. Whitmore -- Bill Pullman (Independence Day, 1996): How can you not cheer a President who takes on aliens and wins (granted Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum got most of the credit)!! A former Persian Gulf War fighter pilot whose approval ratings early in the film indicate the nation's dissatisfaction with his performance, Whitmore gives the most rousing speech in war film history (at least in my opinion), declaring that "should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be an 'American' holiday ... today we celebrate our Independence Day!" Then he gets in a fighter jet and dukes it out with his own troops against the aliens! Commander-in-Chief indeed!

Bill Pullman Pictures, Images and Photos

And my No. 1 TV/Movie President of All Time is ...

1. President David Palmer -- Dennis Haysbert (24, Fox): The first ever African American President portrayed on TV, Palmer began as a senator marked for assassination during 24's first season, giving us all a reason to cheer on the show's hero Jack Bauer (Keifer Sutherland). He was elected prez and went on to become a central figure in the show, eliciting class and dignity along the way. This was a man who garnered respect despite the corrupt government surrounding him, including his conniving wife, Sherry (let's not even go there girlfriend). His role was often vital to the successful foiling of terrorist plots. Palmer was seen as a good leader who makes difficult decisions without much hesitation (just what we all want, huh?) On several occasions, his intervention as President and the execution of his Presidential powers helped Jack's Counter Terrorist Unit.

Unfortunately, during the opening moments of Day 5, Season 5, while Palmer was discussing his memoir with his brother Wayne in his penthouse apartment, a sniper from the adjacent building shot through the window, hitting Palmer in the throat (at precisely 7:02 a.m.), killing him instantly, much to the dismay of 24's fans. RIP Prez Palmer ...

Fortunately, Dennis Haysbert scored another hit and currently can be seen on CBS' The Unit and several Allstate Insurance commercials.

David Palmer Pictures, Images and Photos

Honorable Mention: President Andrew Shepherd -- Michael Douglas (The American President, 1995): Another great little film about a single President seeking a girlfriend, which he finds in Annett Benning. Ironically, this flick was written by Aaron Sorkin, who created the West Wing. Rent it, it's a keeper.

All Hale the Commanders'-In-Chief and God Bless America!!

What do you think? Did I miss your faves, let me know!

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