Wednesday, May 13, 2009

And Now A Very Special Message From Ray

AMERICAN IDOL Pictures, Images and Photos

Kim: OK, I couldn't resist posting this. It's a little feedback for our dear, unopinionated Eddie Idol.

Let's hear it for Rockin' Ray, Eddie's AI point-counterpoint cohort!!


Admit it. You wrote this whole article on Sunday night, and just left blanks for the song titles. Gokey could jump off the stage perform life saving CPR on a nun, deliver two premature babies in the crowd, discover a cure for AIDS on the way back to the stage, then turn in a performance that would outshine any effort by Elvis, Freddie Mercury and the Beatles combined, and you would still say he sucked (and you’d comment on how lamely his technique was on the CPR).

Meanwhile, Kris Allen could walk on the stage with an Uzi, blow away the same nun and pregnant women, give AIDS to fifteen cheering teeny bobbers on his way back to the stage, flip off the crowd and walk away without singing a note, and you still said it would be better then Gokey.

Now, in my unbiased opinion, none of the six songs last night blew me away. There isn’t a song this year that Kris Allen has sung that made me take notice; not one. He’s not bad… just nothing of interest. Gokey has done a couple of numbers this year that were of interest, some really bad ones, but for the most part, I’m indifferent to him. I guarantee you that neither Allen or Gokey even make the final 3 last year with the two Davids and Syesha.

Adam’s the clear frontrunner, though nothing he did last night was outstanding. He his the owner of the only ‘wow’ moments this year, with 3 or 4 of them, and he’s darn well entertaining each week, and he had better win… but last night was just okay for me from him.

Thanks for sharing Ray -- way to keep our Eddie in line!! Now, let us know what you're thinking .... Adam (squeeeeee!!), Kris or Danny??

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As for me, I'm just hoping for a repeat of that delicious white suit Adam sported two weeks ago!!

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