Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wrong again, TV news

Memo to Philly TV news stations: There is no such place as Pottsgrove, PA.

On Wednesday morning, a large tree uprooted and toppled onto the windshield of a tanker truck that was headed east on Route 422 near the Stowe exit. The driver of the truck managed to push back the branches and drive the rig to the side of the road before calling police. The incident happened in West Pottsgrove.

As I was looking at the CBS3 Web site later Wednesday afternoon, I saw a story on the incident and this headline stood out at me: Pottsgrove Tree Crashes Onto Tanker Truck.

There is only 1 thing wrong with that headline and the accompanying dateline: Pottsgrove doesn't exist as a place.

Pottsgrove is a school district, not a municipality. The district is made up of West, Lower and Upper Pottsgrove townships.

CBS3 isn't the only culprit of this error. I've seen it several times on the other local stations as well.


Blogger LiveFreeOrDie said...

News stations aren't perfect. In an attempt to get breaking news on the air as quickly as they can they sometimes make mistakes. I would rather see a mistake as such, opposed to "Driver of truck killed by tree." Wouldn't that be stupid? Kind of like "Dewey Wins!"

February 4, 2008 11:09 AM 

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