Places to stay during a Code Blue

A Code Blue is issued by Montgomery County when the wind chill factor is expected to be 20°F or below. If you are without shelter during a Code Blue emergency, you can contact the following organizations that can help:
Central Montgomery County Families
Norristown Salvation Army
533 Swede Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Single Adults – Over 18 years of age.
Resources for Human Development
Bldg. 53, Norristown
State Hospital
Norristown, PA 19403
(610) 292-9244
Pottstown Area Families
Pottstown Salvation Army
137 King Street
Pottstown, PA
(610) 327-0836
Pottstown Area Single Adult
Main Street Ministries Church-based shelter
Pick-up from Pottstown Consumer Center at 10 P.M. and driven to church
Open December through April
Contact Still Waters Ministry - Paster Kork Moyer
(610) 970-2444
Voucher Information
During a declared “Code Blue”, dependent on voucher availability, hotel vouchers
may be available by contacting the following agency in this area of the county:
Area Organization Phone After Hours
Lower Merion Eldernet (610)-525-0706, (610)642-3218
Labels: Code Blue shelter