Upcoming program: The Tile

For half a century, American Olean Tile Co. was the wheel that drove Lansdale industry.
On Tuesday, Jan. 8, the Lansdale Historical Society will resume its 2007-08 Community Program series with a retrospective on the rise and fall of the tile company from its inception through the growth years to its demise in the 1990s.
Founded by brothers Roy and Malcolm Schweiker, Franklin Tile and its successors Lansdale Tile and American Olean became international giants in ceramic tile manufacturing.
Products made in the Tile’s massive plant at Lansdale were used in major construction projects worldwide. They also decorated millions of homes across the nation.
From an economic standpoint, the Tile was the North Penn region’s largest employer before Merck & Co. expanded its huge facility in Upper Gwynedd.
Marti Drumheller will host the program, which will also feature a video presentation by Steve Moyer.
The show begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Lansdale Parks and Recreation Building , Seventh St. and Lansdale Ave. There is no admission charge but donations are appreciated.
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