To market, to market...

Many of you no doubt have been doing plenty of shopping lately for the holidays, including grocery shopping.
The photos today remind us of earlier days when grocery stores were much smaller, found throughout our towns and were, well, a bit more basic.

The three photos today were donated by a local resident who said she knew nothing about the photos, but had found them when she was cleaning out a relative’s home.
Thanks to Dick Shearer of the Lansdale Historical Society, we are able to share some information about this store.
According to Shearer, the photos are of the L.D. Moyer Meat and Grocery Market, which was located behind 18 E. Third St., Lansdale.
It faced the back of what is now the U.S. Gas Station on North Broad Street, site of the former Broad Street School.
The photos are probably from the mid-1930s, according to Shearer.

The store was one of a dozen mom-and-pop stores in Lansdale at that time and the building is still standing.
As you can see in the photos, the employees take time out to pose for a picture; one case featured some “undressed” fowl; and the interior was as neat as a pin.
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