Money-making weed
Ed, I’m reading the Aug. 22 story on page 4, “Four charged in Hopewell marijuana bust.” This shows you why they don’t want to legalize weed: It’s a money-maker in fines. They confiscated their vehicle and money. For larger amounts of weed, they confiscate everything you have. I wish they would do this to the crooked politicians. Maybe that would stop the nonsense in this state. And the drug companies do not want weed legalized because they make $300-$700 off a pill version of marijuana. You’ve just gotta love it. Only in New Jersey! They oughta call this The Soprano State.
Winston Salem
Are you kidding? Could you imagine the tax cash cow that weed would be for the state bank accounts if they legalized it and put a tobacco tax on it? My guess is that they would probably triple the current cash grab from cigarettes.— Ed. Note
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